Kirsi's Night of Stars..... (kirsis_night_of_stars.s3m)
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HighString MensChoirVoices DeepHummStrings This Is Too Easy, Voice- DF Piano3vo Cymbals RadBassDrum TeCHNO DRuM CymbalAttack - Reverse RadSnareDrum KiRsI's NiGhT oF StArS..... -> H E C T O R / D M K <- Clapp Bang! - Voice, PM. MelodicBass TB1- -TB2- -TB3- -TB4- -TB5- -TB6- -TB7- --------d - M - k--------- "Kirsi's Night Of Stars..." By: Hec / dMk, 20th+ March ....1995.... -------------------------- Greetz=> aCiDrAiN, Player, Hyper, TB-3o3, Maral, JH, Salomon, Pras, Erasmus, tUPAC, and other RaVeRs :) Special Greetz to Kabul... ...keep trying! :) Email me, Ill answer it :) -OR- If you mail the 2nd one, it will take me much longer to respond...Ill respond the same day with the first address... Play In Stereo Using ST3.02
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