avernus (avernus.mod)
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st-57:bopbass st-57:clavid2.ss st-57:cowbell ii.ss st-57:megabassdr.ss st-36:fxsnare2.ss st-16:rendezstring st-02:dynamicperc.ss st-38:acidbass.instr st-57:clavid.ss st-80:percb2l.ss st-57:clavitron.ss st-40:Timbale2.ss st-40:mutedconga.ss by bruno/anarchy
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I guess I should now respect this artist and his great achievements... Well, let's not forget it's all up to free will, and free will can always be a failure. Something I learned in the kindergarten. This probably works best as a background music of some puzzle-game. There is too much of randomness in the notation itself, so this won't score near the limit if we should rate it as a mere musical art. As a computer game background music this would be certainly 9/10...