steelchambers2 (steel_chambers_2.mod)
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This module has been spotlit!
Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 3rd Jan 2009
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Your Comments
Yes. One of the best mods ever made imo especially because of how it starts off in a most magnificent way. And it carries a great sense of dignity with beautiful melodies. A remarkable piece of music!
Aah, steelchambers! That tune brings back great memories! this tune (and the whole game) was totally overwhelming when i saw that on our pc for the first time - Pinball Fantasies could play this module even through the PC Speaker, and the quality was nice! But on a soundcard, this sounds even better. Great harmonies, nice usage of samples and effects! This tune has many different part, they are really nice mixed together! The last (fast) part is one of the coolset, but I can't really decide which one's is the best, as they are all cool! Get this tune! Get this game. You won't regret. It's one of the best MOD files that exist IMHO!
Internal Texts *
pinball fantasies a remarkable piece of software this tune was created by olof gustafsson for the introsequence do enjoy the game greetings to all my friends worldwide and a special thanx to creg for his nice phonecalls and to my lovely christine for her moral sopport and to erik tilleby for helping me out with the jingels in stones and bones table
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
"I can't believe it's 4 channels"
A brilliant intro tune from Pinball Fantasies, sounds beautiful even played on the poor old PC squeaker.