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The laments of a pigeon (jollypgn.it)

Info Summary

  • jollypgn.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 354.06KB in size and has been downloaded 1693 times since Thu 20th Dec 2001 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 46141
  • Downloads: 1693
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: ccf68f08b14a5ce5654858b9c7e11739
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 20
  • Uncompressed Size: 354.06KB
  • Genre: Pop - Synth

License License

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  • Member Rating: rating (4 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by christofori on Mon 9th Jun 2003, rated 4 / 10.

This is a tune which has some interesting points and thoughtful drum work, but also has a lot of room to improve. The classification might make you wonder.. but the song's heavy drums and happy chord progressions and melody leave me with not much else choice as to how to classify the tune. The tune's title doesn't seem to fit the tune, really. It's got some nice sections, and the drums have been handled nicely overall, though I feel they could be better overall. The samples used all sound like GM samples, which is okay, but also might not fit this kind of tune as well as others. The sections of the tune fit together well enough, but in the sections where everything drops out and we have only drums and bass, it really shows how thin the bass is; it could use some help. Also the guitar samples partway through don't fit the overall characteristic of this tune; it almost needs something more gritty there, for added contrast. Musically, there's not really too much of interest, although there are some interesting moments throughout the tune. Technically, the track is done well enough. There are basic effects used, and it could really benefit from more panning, instead of the occasional use it has as it is. The samples are all pretty lo-fi, which isn't bad for this kind of tune; however, they could use better loop points. Also, one or two of them are out of tune when compared to the rest. There are very basic envelopes used, some of which don't work to their full potential since loop points aren't always present in the samples. Overall, this is a tune with some interesting drum work, but it does seem to be a fairly early attempt.

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Info Internal Texts *

Well, as you may well know or have figured out by now, I am highly
eccentric to the point of almost being mad. The result of this is that I
have a way of writing that makes others think I am mad, although perhaps
to be less harsh and abrasive like other household cleaners, just a little

                        "THE LAMENTS OF A PIGEON"
                        By J.C. Harmer(Jolly Cat)

                        Oh, woe, the flights of fancy
                        Who otherwise are nothing
                        For what in range of colour
                        Is this grey, this dull, this still

                        The world upon its shoulders
                        But the world is down beneath
                        It soars and swoops like a bald eagle
                        Yet nothing like it still

                        Back and forth it journeys
                        A perpetual loop of gloom
                        Along its practical existence
                        The quiet on the still

                        Ahead it sees yet nothing
                        Just grey and tolerance
                        Behind it just the same
                        The quiet, the calm, the still

Oh gee check it out, you must have just been listening to an Impulse
Tracker song by William Wordsworth the way I can bash out a poem, didn't
that just bring you to tears and then give you a lift home again?

This song is a cheerful tune, however. A tune for those who have lost a
close family relative or a distant family relative who you think was
closer than they actually were. It will help to relieve your suicidal

                        The creation of man
                        Along nothing
                        With nothing
                        A void
                        The scant
                        The breath
                        The nothing

I don't know what was the point of that.

This song is Copyright (C) 2001 The Jolly Cat

Send all your comments, laments, firmaments, inclements and anything else
that ends in -ents apart from your excrements to:


God rest the soul of our poor deceased friend, Paine Stewart. I urge you
to have a minute's silence to remember the poor soul whose life was cut
short by a plane crash and whose head was cut short by the seat in front
of him.

This is almost what is
known as experimental

For it is not necessarily
just the song that must
be 'experimental' but the
title thereof, and
anything else such as the
sample list.

Think about the laments
of a pigeon for a second.

Just imagine the woes
swimming through the mind
of a bird who is just
'common' and with no
possible other word in
the vocabularies of even
the finest minds of
English literature apart
perhaps from Thomas Hardy
who seems to possess a
range of words befitting
no other, to describe
this contemptible and
ordinary creature. What
a thing of the past this

For those who are unable,
here they are, in
musical form:


Tracked by the Jolly Cat
over the following dates:

2nd of December, 2001
3rd of December, 2001
4th of December, 2001
5th of December, 2001

And the date I had with
your mother last night.

Press Shift+F9 for more
insane ramblings.

C Hihat the first
Ride the overlap
Tom Brown's Schooldays
Crash of Rhinos
O, brother of C Hihat
Bass Strait
C Hihat the second
C Hihat the third
Clerical Error
Starring Sean Connery

Twelve-inch pianist
Six-inch pianist
1812 Overture

Battery-powered Vibrator

Saxa Table Salt

Organisational Skills

Johnny Kidd & the Pirates
And Catherine Zeta-Jones
Loop de loop
Straight Track
Jif does not scratch
Hardly Used
Harpic even less so

1:An Athenian architect
who, according to Greek
mythology, built Minos'
temple and was the father
of Icarus

2:Everyone uses this
sample! Who the hell
knows where it

3:A solid whose bases and
ends are any congruent
and parallel polygons

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
