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Mortality (xx_morta.it)

Info Summary

  • xx_morta.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 736.22KB in size and has been downloaded 2377 times since Sat 5th Sep 1998 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 63125
  • Downloads: 2377
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: d00b5e01198cc32b83b7267d7d3ed89c
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 24
  • Uncompressed Size: 736.22KB
  • Genre: Electronic - Techno

License License


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (5 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

Favourites People who like this tune

  • None, yet!

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by tripnotize on Wed 13th Jan 1999, rated 5 / 10.

The problem with this song is that it is too repetative. Sure there are new things that happen in the song, but they aren't interesting enough to deter from the fact that the same drone in the background is still going on. I think that the artist can do better. All the samples are good quality, and the bassline is nice and mellow. The synth and acid samples are well done.I feel though that the samples weren't used to their full potential.

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Info Internal Texts *

Okay, I never really know what to put it here, so I'll just do it! :)

               First off, I would really like to thank

               RS3 for his assistance and feedback with

               regards to this song.  You've been a BIG

               help!  And always keep up the GREAT work


               Secondly, I would like to thank the rest

               of #trax, you guys are really cool --

               it's been a big help visiting and getting

               to know all of ya! :)  Thanx guys and gals ;)

               Finally, of course, thanx to all of my friends!


Well folks, this is it, my first truely techno-acid (or is it

acid-techno?:) release and I must admit, even *I'm* impressed with the

outcome.  It's kinda funny that this song was mainly made just as a

'vacation' from my own songs...and only took about a day to make the main

parts (although, including the final touch-ups, it's taken well over

that).  I just wish that my other songs would flow as smoothly to

completion as this one!  Hehe %) <-- drunk smiley --> (%

It does sorta sound like a Mortal Kombat-like song, doesn't it? :)


Well, should you possess the need to contact me, or just want to drop a

comment, here's the addy:


Also, if ya want to visit my little corner (not that kind) of the web,
point you browser, provided it is Netscrape 4 or MSIE 4, to:


(best viewed in a res >= 800 X 600 X 8-bpp, like try 1024 X 768 X 24-bbp +

For the most part (provided school isn't in session or I'm busy) you can
catch me on #trax (EFNet servers) as well as all the other cool people
listed above and in the sample credits (err...with the exception of
those that don't visit #trax...oh well :).

-- Zancarius DESTRUX, XofX

   almost da middle of 8-2-98

   whee!  only a few more weeks 'till I'm a senior!

Also note: This song is not based on my song "Immortality."  Instead, it
is a "less redundant title" which otherwise would have been more words
than it was worth -- thanx much RS3! :)

Closed High Hat
Ride Cymbal
Hand Clap
Heavy Bass Drum
Rock Snare Drum
Crash Cymbal
Acid One
Acid Two
Acid Three
Acid Four
Open Higih hat
Closed High Hat 2
Record Scratch
Another Synth
Long Gong
Star Trek Blast
SYNTH        - ???
Closed HHat  - GUS Patch
Ride Cymbal  - GUS Patch
Hand Clap    - GUS Patch
Heavy B-Drum - ME
Rock Snare   - ME
Crash Cymbal - GUS Patch
Acid One     - DATRiX
Acid Two     - DATRiX
Acid Three   - DATRiX
Acid Four    - DATRiX
Fuzz.smp     - VOGUE
Acid         - ???
Open Hihat   - ME
Closed HHat2 - GUS Patch
Wind         - ME
Scratch      - ME
Synth One    - ???
Gong         - Some CD
Blast 1      - ME (ST CD)


 For the most part, I
 *think* I know where
 the samples came from.
 If I mislabeled some
 let me know -- I only
 label ripped samples to
 the best of my

 Sample #s 5,6,14,16,17
 19,& 20 are mine /
 sampled by me.

 ??? Denotes I don't know
 the sample's(s') origin



 Now what?  Well I could
 ramble on...but screw
 that! :)


(in no particular order.)

 Ecarius, the other mem.
 of XofX -- we need more

 Xaranth - You should get
 a tracker so you can
 enjoy da muz

 Buddiez on #trax
 RS3, DjZip, j0e_bl0w
 Zeromous, druidd, rat-x
 Rbd-Lepus, herbman
 TGryphon, psykosi
 Melodic, clairvoyant
 greatfox, figment
 TheHornet, afrocreep
 Nevermind and all others
 I may have forgotten!

 (and of course to those
  whom I've ripped samps
  from, thanx much!)



 If you play this in IT
 you will see a message.

 I'm NOT !%) going to
 tell you what that is
 of course :) haha...

Oh yeah, HIT DA SHIFT-F9!

 I always have to be
 careful when I type


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