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Messages - raina

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Macintosh / Vox
« on: August 15, 2009, 02:18:34 »
Now is the time!

I've been planning to post here for a long time so let's see what I have written down in this here note:

Quote from: "busy" raina
Ok, I'm finally going to write this. Should have done it months ago, when I got my MacBook. I went ahead looking for an audio player for OS X well before getting my hands on the hardware knowing iTunes just would not work for me. Used to the format support, compact GUI, no-nonsense approach and accurate module playback of XMPlay, I was basically looking for, well a Mac OS XMPlay of sorts.

When rebuilding the MilkyTracker website and looking for things to link, I found Tool Player, which basically was the ticket, being based on BASS. So I happily linked it and was done. Then, later, when I actually needed it myself Tool Player seemed to have vanished, but I soon found out it had just been renamed to Vox. Phew.

So, there you have it, in case you already didn't know: Vox @ While all the features and options of XMPlay are not (yet?) there, the playback is as excellent and it also plays a variety of audio stream formats Apple isn't inclined to support. All in all, the number one OS X audio player, in this household at least. And I hear the developer is planning to take things multi-platform in the future, so be on the lookout for that. There's also a forum and a group for Vox users. See you there!

The Windows versions are self-contained. On OSes with Xs in their name, the config file is stored at $home. You'd probably need to poke the source code to make Milky behave similarly to the Windows version and use the config file in the folder.

This duplicate has additional sample text indicating the composer is Jesper Kyd, who has a website at .

Not being familiar with the song I took a look at it and thought it could be fun to remake with some polish for your animation. What do you think?

Temporary download link:

Won't be taken down until it's on the website.

The Lobby / Re:
« on: July 28, 2009, 03:06:49 »
Worked here on OS X (10.5.7) right after modifying the hosts file.

MilkyTracker Tracks & Songs / Re: My first chiptunes
« on: July 24, 2009, 11:41:07 »
Oldskool, nice. Very competent firsties, although very "standard" stuff. I  look forward to hearing more, possibly with more personality.

MilkyTracker Support / Re: add different samples
« on: July 22, 2009, 01:14:06 »
You are trying to build a multi-sample instrument by loading samples into the 16 sample slots of one instrument. This is a bit more advanced stuff and involves mapping these samples to different keys in the instrument editor. (All the 0's in the piano keyboard refer to sample #0.)

I think what you want is simply selecting another INSTRUMENT slot, while the selected sample slot stays at 0. The basic situation is that you only use sample slot 0 on different instrument slots for different samples in your song.

Tracking / Re: IT tracker for Mac
« on: July 10, 2009, 01:46:15 »
I meant the color. It is an odd brown color.
Is there no color configuration like on IT/ST3?

MilkyTracker Support / Re: Bugfix release?
« on: July 09, 2009, 20:24:20 »
Release => Soon(ish).
Fixed source => IRC.

MilkyTracker Support / Re: Comprehensive user guide?
« on: July 05, 2009, 21:46:14 »
I want to say soon but I'm not sure I can. Maybe with the next release, the guide is started.

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