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Topics - raina

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Feedback & Suggestions / Poor link visibility in the forums
« on: December 15, 2016, 10:09:39 »
Could the current forum theme maybe emphasize links a little more? Could you tell the previous sentence was a link without hovering?

Feedback & Suggestions / You only preview once
« on: April 08, 2016, 08:37:36 »
...because Preview only works in Quick Reply and not in the full post editor. The XHR response is an HTML snippet with an error about session timeout, and logging out and back in doesn't fix it.

MilkyTracker Bug Reports / Window position changes on Windows 10
« on: October 28, 2015, 07:41:21 »
With every (minimize and) restore of the program window, it shifts up about a titlebar's height. Now, I don't do that all day but it becomes an instant inconvenience after just one cycle if the window was already hugging the screen's top edge; you can't move the window back by grabbing the title bar.

Help Support Topics Archive / Re: duplicate modules
« on: December 29, 2014, 12:50:46 »

are smaller versions of

Differences beyond the small ones in sample text? Which one(s) should prevail?

Anyway, all of them and this one

should be assigned to Zodiak's profile.

Yeah, I left some links to The Mod Archive sample torrents over there. Hi.

MilkyTracker News / v0.90.85 for OS X 10.4 Tiger
« on: January 22, 2010, 17:18:09 »
Thanks to our friend maep, your old Tiger can now also run the new MilkyTracker. Check out the downloads. The site and documentation also got a couple of fixes and Valerio tells us the quick reference printouts will soon be up to date. So if you're planning to print out and laminate and/or frame some PDFs, you might want to wait over the weekend.

Macintosh / Vox
« on: August 15, 2009, 02:18:34 »
Now is the time!

I've been planning to post here for a long time so let's see what I have written down in this here note:

Quote from: "busy" raina
Ok, I'm finally going to write this. Should have done it months ago, when I got my MacBook. I went ahead looking for an audio player for OS X well before getting my hands on the hardware knowing iTunes just would not work for me. Used to the format support, compact GUI, no-nonsense approach and accurate module playback of XMPlay, I was basically looking for, well a Mac OS XMPlay of sorts.

When rebuilding the MilkyTracker website and looking for things to link, I found Tool Player, which basically was the ticket, being based on BASS. So I happily linked it and was done. Then, later, when I actually needed it myself Tool Player seemed to have vanished, but I soon found out it had just been renamed to Vox. Phew.

So, there you have it, in case you already didn't know: Vox @ While all the features and options of XMPlay are not (yet?) there, the playback is as excellent and it also plays a variety of audio stream formats Apple isn't inclined to support. All in all, the number one OS X audio player, in this household at least. And I hear the developer is planning to take things multi-platform in the future, so be on the lookout for that. There's also a forum and a group for Vox users. See you there!

MilkyTracker Tracks & Songs / Rhubarbarian
« on: February 27, 2009, 11:59:41 »
New libXM7, new song written for its demo:

There's also a video on YouTube:
as well as Vimeo:

Help me find that... / Info on this module...
« on: December 10, 2008, 12:54:54 »
Ok, let's do this the other way round! Can anybody identify the attached module? All I have is the text inside the module, and it doesn't give me much clues:

Code: [Select]
t_treo.xm: treo.comp(t.bp)

instrument list:
002                    shy
003             mystical
004            pounding
005           headache
006           uncurable

I remember downloading the song from a website almost but less than a decade ago. Not a module collection or anything, somebody put it on their personal website. People were starting to move away from trackers to bigger things, so it could be that there were also some mp3s available and the single module was just a little treat for people in the know. With my awesome k56, I might have skipped any mp3s and just downloaded the mod. If there had been any more, I would have put them in a dir and called it something which could help. But as it stands, one of my personal favourites remains anonymous. My best guess is that the composer is Swedish as searching for "Treo Comp" gives a bunch of Swedish pages about painkillers and the style of the song and the instrument text make me think it could be erek (emitter). But then again there's the t_ in front of the file name so it could be something beginning with a t like teori.

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