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Messages - raina

Pages: 1 ... 67 68 69 70 71 [72]
Tracking / Re: Synder
« on: July 25, 2007, 14:16:22 »
I hope it gets a proper GUI some day soon.

Nice to know. Do you also have a cure for *buntu seemingly randomly selecting the "default" audio device on each boot?

The Lobby / Re: Dune, Distance - who else?
« on: July 23, 2007, 20:17:26 »
Yolk & Legend, Ceniq, Jcole, H. Kyllönen.

Tracking / Re: .MP3 to .MOD converter?
« on: July 21, 2007, 17:09:05 »
No, there isn't.

The Lobby / Introduce yourself - raina
« on: July 20, 2007, 01:41:59 »

raina, 25, male, from Finland, been tracking since 1995. I've been assimilated along with the rest of the peeps from ye olde MilkyTracker Forum. I spent years admiring the mighty TMA from afar, only occasionally daring to visit its vast beaches. Thanks to m0d for finally dragging my ass in. So far, the water seems fine.

Bug Report Archive / Confirmed bugs in v0.90.60
« on: July 17, 2007, 12:49:01 »
The following bugs have been confirmed for release v0.90.60:

  • Fixed. CRASH/FREEZE: When trying apply crossfade on invalid selections in sample editor.
    • The selection should encompass one, and only one loop point, see here. Best learn it now, in the future crossfade will be disabled until a valid selection is made.
  • Fixed. FREEZE: Optimize song can freeze MilkyTracker if the displayed pattern number no longer exists after optimization.
    • Workaround: Ensure pattern #0 is displayed before optimizing, and always save any unsaved work.
  • 0xy arpeggio replay difference comparing to Ft2 when song speed is 16 or higher.
  • Fixed. Bug in the XI-loader causes instrument vibrato settings not to be applied until some instrument setting is modified.
  • Certain hot words in song titles may still cause incorrect module format detection.
    • Just report the cases.
  • Fixed. Cutting arpeggio commands by selecting only the operand digits leaves invisible 000 commands on the pattern that repeat the previous arpeggio from effect memory.
    • Saving the module either makes the 000's disappear or turns them into the corresponding full arpeggio command depending on whether arpeggio was used before them.
  • Fixed. Dxx on the last order ignores the Replay start order number.
  • E3x glissando control is not implemented.
  • E4x vibrato control is not implemented.
  • E5x set finetune is played Ft2-like in in all playback modes.
  • E7x tremolo control is not implemented.
  • It should be possible to use the instrument fadeout without having the volume envelope enabled by using a set volume command (xx/Cxx) simultaneously or after a key-off.
  • Milky doesn't always start in Ft2 playback mode because the last used mode is remembered between sessions.
    • The optimal behavior is being discussed.
  • Fixed. Milky's note range goes slightly higher than that of Ft2's.
  • Fixed. Multisample GUS .pat instruments are imported with relative note values that are way off.
  • New. Fixed. Note pitch isn't reset after a portamento when 4xx follows a Vx.
  • Portamento overflow "effect" isn't reproduced
  • Simultaneous E6x pattern loop and EEy pattern delay replay differs from Ft2.
  • Fixed. Some custom screen resolutions lead to distorted rendering.
  • Fixed. The Apple AIFF loader doesn't load big endian samples correctly.
    • Workaround: Load the sample and change its byte order in the sample editor.
  • ?x Volume column effects used in conjunction with EDx note delay cause slight replay differences comparing to Ft2.

I did the change just now. m0d, is it possible to change the forum <TITLE> to something more descriptive like "MilkyTracker Forum"?

edit: On second thought the word Forum wouldn't look good in the TMA Forum tree but maybe use the official MilkyTracker camelcase spelling.

MilkyTracker Feature Requests / Re: 640x480 in ppc milkytracker
« on: July 16, 2007, 17:56:08 »
Isn't it P/PC? :)

MilkyTracker News / Re: Welcome to the new forums
« on: July 13, 2007, 06:13:09 »
Hey, that was quick! :) Seems to be working.

Tracking / Milkytracker v.0.90.50 released
« on: August 29, 2006, 15:38:24 »
Quote from: "Darth Nefelim"
:thumbup:  Sounds cool. But I still can't understand, why do I need Milky? :thumbneutral: What's the feature?!

The Feature is Fasttracker II compatibility.

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