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Messages - raina

Pages: 1 ... 24 25 26 27 28 [29] 30 31 32 33 34 ... 72
MilkyTracker Bug Reports / Re: buggy visual
« on: May 26, 2009, 23:58:44 »
Well, if you activate i.e. focus one window, the previously focused window loses focus. Switching from Milky to another app would do the trick.

MilkyTracker Bug Reports / Re: buggy visual
« on: May 26, 2009, 21:44:10 »
Is it only triggered by this particular window, or does it happen whenever the tracker window loses focus?

MilkyTracker Bug Reports / Re: buggy visual
« on: May 26, 2009, 11:26:06 »
Yes, forgot to mention that.

MilkyTracker Bug Reports / Re: buggy visual
« on: May 25, 2009, 11:52:36 »
I mainly use the internal file browser but I just tested this and can't say that I can see the behavior.

You can do this in Fasttracker II, MilkyTracker and probably the majority of .XM supporting trackers.

In MilkyTracker, load the module, click Adv. Edit, then Remap Ins, select your source an target instrument numbers and hit the appropriate remapping button.

MilkyTracker Support / Re: Milky Tracker on Eee PC
« on: May 22, 2009, 02:14:25 »
Just to rule out the possibility: MilkyTracker doesn't appear in whatever package manager Xandros uses, does it?

MilkyTracker Feature Requests / Re: IT functionality someday?
« on: May 22, 2009, 02:10:37 »
Considering there's not a single editor app (that I know of) that can support both .XM and .IT well, I'd say it would be quite a feat to accomplish just that. I have minimal experience of MadTracker but I can say Renoise's legacy format support, while a great thing to have, is nothing to write home about. On .IT's part, MilkyTracker already does what Renoise does: it parses the file and adapts it to the working environment. Renoise doesn't handle legacy format playback accurately, not by a long shot. And it doesn't intend to. You get an approximation of the original file so you can continue working on it rather than starting from scratch, manually reproducing every bit of pattern data.

MilkyTracker Feature Requests / Re: IT functionality someday?
« on: May 18, 2009, 14:12:16 »
Sorry guys, but this is not going to happen in the current scope of the MilkyTracker project or with the current development team. Sure, IT2 was 2nd generation tracker and sure, many of us (as well) would like the IT features with an usable UI. But. There are some fundamental differences between FT2 and IT2 that make their environments' co-existence very non-trivial, says pailes. It's not just UI, designing new displays with the PPUI framework would probably be one of the easier aspects of a task like this.

That being said, the source code is open. ;) Get it, fork it and call it SourMilky. I wouldn't mind supporting a project like that! :)

MilkyTracker News / Re: Port round-up
« on: May 15, 2009, 17:12:23 »
Thanks for the input, you never know when somebody comes up and asks a related question.

MilkyTracker Community / Re: Where you get your samples from?
« on: May 12, 2009, 20:01:00 »

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