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Messages - raina

Pages: 1 ... 34 35 36 37 38 [39] 40 41 42 43 44 ... 72
Tracking / Re: A little dip into the old-school tracking
« on: December 18, 2008, 22:11:48 »
No real difference but the first wavetable synthesizers were probably built to use a static sound bank, thus they could not function as a general purpose sample player.

BTW, DOS trackers were used also used with PC speaker Covox Speech Thing output before Sound Blaster got really popular.

About the CD, Sound Blaster Pro was the first Creative slab to provide a CD line input. Don't know if others beat them to it..  But you could listen to CDs before that as well. CD-ROM drives weren't originally connected to the computer via IDE cable but with a proprietary controller card. Mine had RCA audio jacks on the back which I could have used, if it weren't for the bulk SB 16 already providing a CD input. Could have gotten better audio quality through that, who knows, but it was a convenience choice to have all the sound the computer made come out of a single output. And the horrible little speakers wouldn't have revealed any differences anyway...

A well organized standalone document in tiny sections (like you say) would probably work just as well. And the community isn't too big or complex for the crowd to get involved either. Is there a real-time way of getting in touch with you, IRC, MSN..?

Tracking / Re: A little dip into the old-school tracking
« on: December 17, 2008, 20:32:28 »
Wavetable is samples. It doesn't involve generating waves, but may contain effects like reverb and chorus. I'm not that familiar with Roland MIDI modules, but since you mention MT-32 being more than simple wavetable, you're right. I think generally it goes like this: the note attacks of patches are samples and the it's mixed with a synthesized waveform, which takes over entirely by the sustain part of a note.

You are also correct about the PC being lame and years behind of technical development when it started to gain momentum as anything else than a boring business computer.

Good input. And definitely deserving its own thread, if there already wasn't a perfect one for it. So, here you go, welcome to the user's guide thread. :)

I fully get your point about the limited portability of a wiki. Originally when I thought about doing this thing in wiki form, I was not only thinking about contributors but how the modular structure (BS for bite size articles) and simple editing would inspire myself to write a better and more comprehensive manual. While it still sounds tempting, I'll have to take our point into consideration and maybe steer away from wikis OR find one where it is easy to create and download snapshots to go.

NitroTracker Community / Re: Competition
« on: December 15, 2008, 00:43:31 »
Would this be a NitroTracker only compo?

MilkyTracker Community / Re: What do you guys...
« on: December 14, 2008, 23:08:43 »
Yes, you can save XMs as WAV in both of them:

In MilkyTracker, the quickest way to exporting WAV is Ctrl(-Alt)-R.

In XMPlay, you have to select "WAV Writer" as your output device and then play the file.

You may find in both programs that you need to change the interpolation and ramping settings to match the sound with NitroTracker but I'm not 100% sure about this since my experience of XM replay on the NDS is based on sverx's LIBXM7.

Tracking / Re: A little dip into the old-school tracking
« on: December 14, 2008, 22:20:00 »
You may also be interested in the article "phonomenal" by crossfire designs which covers a whole lot of the "musical history" of IBM computers.

Seems like a nice read, thanks saga. Bookmarked!

MilkyTracker Community / Re: What do you guys...
« on: December 14, 2008, 22:15:44 »
I use Fasttracker II under DOSBox and MilkyTracker and XMPlay on Windows. The first two can render WAVs which I encode using LamedropXPd, Oggdrop or the FLAC Frontend. XMPlay can also directly utilize a command line encoder like lame.exe, oggenc.exe or flac.exe but usually I find it easier to just use the WAV Writer (possible with normalization) and then use aforementioned encoder GUIs.

NitroTracker Tracks & Songs / Re: Songs made using only your voice :D
« on: December 14, 2008, 18:56:58 »
Ph, and sorry to sound stupid, but I'm using FIrefox and I can't get your (meaning the author of this thread's) xm's to download. Any help?

It's not you nor Firefox, it seems the files were already deleted.

Software Showcase / Re: Flash-based module player released!!
« on: December 14, 2008, 13:21:08 »
Thank you, Sir! And just to clarify my earlier comment, I actually prefer mono to the Amiga L/R hard panned stereo.

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