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Messages - raina

Pages: 1 ... 52 53 54 55 56 [57] 58 59 60 61 62 ... 72
Hooray for .XI :)

In MilkyTracker, try setting Config > I/O > Resampling to No interpolation. Sound familiar?

MilkyTracker Community / Re: Getting started
« on: July 11, 2008, 13:32:03 »
You're in the right place, now just open the context menu by right-clicking on the waveform display.

The Lobby / Re: Hello all!
« on: July 10, 2008, 21:09:30 »
Hello happy. Yes, tracking is fun! :)

NitroTracker News / Re: NitroTracker v0.4 is out!
« on: July 10, 2008, 12:20:39 »
Go Miss 0xtober!

MilkyTracker Community / Re: Getting started
« on: July 10, 2008, 12:09:07 »
Don't listen to him. ;) To each his own. Of course you can use the Draw button, that's why it's there. At first I thought you meant you couldn't figure out how to depress a sticky button (it's just another click) but then I realized what you probably meant: The Draw button (as well as the majority of the buttons) is unavailable when there's no sample data you can process. What you need to do is first create a blank sample and then you can get to modifying it, by drawing for example.

1. Open the sample editor context menu (right-click, cmd-click or tap'n'hold depending on the system).
2. Select New.
3. Input sample length. If you're making a simple chip instrument, 16, 32, 64, and 128 for example are good sizes. Percussion samples need to be longer, like a 100 times.
4. Draw. And don't forget to enable looping in order to get more than just a click out of your wave.

You might have noticed the generator options in the context menu. All the basic wave forms and noises are there so that's good raw material for chipping.

MilkyTracker Tracks & Songs / Re: an attempt!
« on: July 10, 2008, 02:05:15 »
.XM is definitely more preferable around these parts. :)
You might be interested in the global volume commands Gxx and Hxy which you can use to create fades.

MilkyTracker Bug Reports / Re: replayer bug, mixer
« on: July 09, 2008, 21:04:24 »
Milky behaves like FT2 here.

Tracking / Re: s3m composers
« on: July 08, 2008, 14:23:18 »
I think most ST3 users moved on to IT, but I know at least one guy on #MilkyTracker who still uses ST3. Well, that might not be the case anymore since we told him about Schism Tracker. ;) He does have an old comp though, so he might not have given up ST3 entirely.

ST3 has one attractive, unique quality though which I haven't seen in other publicly released trackers and that's the ability to write both AdLib and sample based modules. I'm thinking of really tapping this at some point and making some hybrid S3Ms which use both samples and FM synthesis. I made some tests already though, and it sounds awesome with a GUS taking care of the samples and an SB handling the FM with the OPL.

3xx & 4xx for expression, 1xx and 2xx for effect. And the WIP module I was thinking of offering you seems to use EDx for getting drum loop slice timing right.

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