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Messages - xerion567

Pages: [1]
MilkyTracker Feature Requests / Re: FT3????
« on: July 08, 2015, 23:05:55 »
Skale is def a very cool tracker, I haven't spent enough time with it though, only thing I don't like is the way the effects are input, but maybe I'm missing a concept there that makes it more streamlined.
Oh yeah the FX interface in Skale is fairly bad lol! Mostly because it is restricted to 8 FX in a module, and the FX outputs can't be turned off so a passive chaining FX is not possible. And then because it was such an early implementation of VST technology, only certain plugins will work. Despite these and many more shortcomings, I find it too hard to use other trackers. :(

I want to get it working on ubuntu, still learning linux tho.
I can help you with this if you need. I also run Ubuntu and I've gotten Skale to run brilliantly using Wine. Turns out it will work with a really handy driver called WineASIO, but you must compile the driver to use 32-bit integers. (Again, I can walk you through this if you're interested.) Once you get it working, you can directly route the sound from Skale into the JACK audio system at very low latency. :)

MilkyTracker Feature Requests / Re: FT3????
« on: July 07, 2015, 19:24:04 »
I think I read somewhere that before SkaleTracker got it's name, it was going to try on the mantle of "FastTracker 3". heheh!

Personally, it is still my favorite tracker and I continue to use it to this day despite it being a dead project now. Definitely not something you'd want to use for a demo or game though, it can end up using quite the system resources!

I'll really miss that old module scene, even though I was barely a part of it back then. Personally I'm still writing tracked music, but I've not done an xm/s3m/mod tune in ages since I started using SkaleTracker. (I did do a conversion to XM of a song I finished just yesterday however, don't know if that counts.  ;) )

Decibelter was still active in 2007 it looks like, and he made this song and a few others which were superb!

The Lobby / Live streaming tracking
« on: June 13, 2015, 15:56:45 »
If anyone is interested I've been live streaming tracking at These days when I am very busy with music making I stream just about every day, typically when the sun isn't up over the USA. ;)

The best way to catch the stream when it is online is to make an account and follow my stream, then you'll get an email when it goes online.

Drop by, listen in, and say hello! I'll see you there. :D

The Lobby / Re: Hi, I'm noOne from Spain
« on: April 14, 2015, 23:03:53 »
Hey there! Welcome.  ;)

Thanks :D

With a passion and energy that only comes from love, I wrote this music and put together this video through the month of March/2015. To date, have never put this much time into a single project. I hope you like it!  ;D

Software used for the music was SkaleTracker (yes, I'm stuck on this one, I'm so accustomed to the user interface and the features are sooo good, if not buggy sometimes!), then I did some audio mastering after transferring it into Ardour. Technically 100% Linux made (if you count using Wine for SkaleTracker Linux lol!)

Tracking / Re: What's your tracker / format of choice? And why?
« on: March 20, 2015, 16:59:23 »
Yep, still using SkaleTracker over 10 years after it was pretty much discontinued; only now I've got it rigged up to work with Linux via WineASIO. It really was that good! So basically this means I must use the SKM format or export to a really stripped down XM.  :-\ I do quite like the concepts behind the JACK audio connection kit, essentially making every sound application a modular thing.

I've tried to see if Renoise could step up to take SkaleTracker's place, but I always find that some critical feature is either outright missing or too difficult to find in the maze that is the user interface...

The Lobby / Yet Another Returning Artist Post (YARAP!)
« on: March 20, 2015, 16:43:51 »
Hi there!
Some time ago I used to post modules here as "Xerion". Alas, time went by, I switched to SkaleTracker, and that sad artist page hasn't been updated in...well a very, very long time. ;)
I'd like to get access to update it again, if that is possible please.  ;D

Also I've been long putting off getting to know some more of the people in this scene, but I'm such a social recluse.  :rolleyes:


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