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Topics - xenthalelaeos

Pages: [1]
Look what I made! / Something possibly presentable
« on: June 12, 2016, 17:13:33 »
Looks like I accidentally made something that sounds reasonable, so, might as well share it in a music-related location for once.

The composition made with a somewhat odd combination of "90-s game soundtrack" restrictions, that is, it doesn't use instrument envelopes and in this case is limited to 8 channels (mostly for the sake of expediency and, to a point, forcing a certain style).

Most samples are from kiarchive, one is borrowed from beyond_music.mod while space voice is actually from gm.dls.

Hare's the youtube version, but, as stated in the video description, there is a small bug at the end of patterns 1 and A that is only present when it's played in Fasttracker (via dosbox, sounds fine in MPT and Milky) that I was too lazy to try and fix before uploading the video:

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