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Messages - cdnalsi

Pages: [1]
Tracking / the time signature tracking compo
« on: December 03, 2006, 00:16:42 »
Yes, well, there are 5 entries and I just don't feel it's right to have a voting and reviewing session for only 5 entries. However, I will give extended feedback on each of the tracks on the website in a couple of days.
The fact is that I can't extend the deadline. In the next month and a half my schedule will be quite full, and I won't have time to deal properly with this, and I apologize.

But I don't want you who entered to feel disappointed about this, so I'll work on some reviews.


Tracking / the time signature tracking compo
« on: December 02, 2006, 04:48:42 »
the compo is off because of the few entries :(


Help me find that... / Diamond meditation
« on: November 23, 2006, 16:23:01 »
I was in that OHC, and I have the votepack saved...
I don't know if this is the version Nifflas put into his game, but anyways:  :thumbup:

Tracking / the time signature tracking compo
« on: November 17, 2006, 02:48:59 »
The septole cannot be used as a time signature. It's a music theory fact.

I have an idea. Instead of just babbling about the signatures and stuff, why don't you guys enter the actual competition?  :P

Tracking / the time signature tracking compo
« on: November 16, 2006, 20:00:11 »
I'll try to answer your questions.

- About the 100mb mod. I don't mind downloading it, or even hosting it. But the people who will check out the entries surly will. The thing is that you will not be able to download the entries individually. It will be a big pack with all the entries, so think about this..

- Do you need to explain somehow the rhythm chosen. If I were you I'd not go into that 'chaos' type of song. Think of it this way - challenge me. But challenge me in a way that is professional rhythmically and melodically, coherent, and not just blip-blops.

- About cheating. I really don't see how you can cheat on this one. Simply put, you can of course use 4/4 for variety's sake, otherwise, I don't see how you could actually cheat. But I'd really like to see you try  :D

Anyways, I hope maybe you'll reply with your decision whether you will participate, and with the rhythmical explanation of 15/7  :quote:

Tracking / the time signature tracking compo
« on: November 13, 2006, 18:55:38 »
You can do some funky stuff on 3/4 which is also considered an odd time signature..

Great to hear more people are interested!
Remember the deadline: 1st Dec. 2006 :)



Tracking / the time signature tracking compo
« on: November 12, 2006, 12:39:02 »
Hi Dennis.

It's not about the BPM or the Speed of the track. It's about how many rows you have in a pattern.

For example. if you have a 64 row pattern, and you highlight every 8 rows, you'll have an 8 beat pattern. Which could mean that you have two 4/4 measures in the pattern. This is not allowed.

What you can do is use more or less rows in the patterns. If you use 56 rows, (and highlight every 8), you'll have a 7 beat pattern, or a 7/4. This is allowed. You imagine there are lots of combinations you can use to create odd time signatures.

I don't know if there are any tutorials of this kind, but I'm going to look it up.


Tracking / the time signature tracking compo
« on: November 11, 2006, 15:21:41 »


Yay! Time for another compo!
This time only for trackers (yes Renoise and Madtrackers too) :P

The thing about this compo is that no 4/4 or square-ish time signatures are allowed. The deal is to make something very creative from a rhythmical point of view. But not only. The points of judgement will be Creativity, Originality, and another secret point which you will find out after the deadline As secret as the second judge who will cast his wisdom upon your tracks. I'll be the other judge.

Deadline: 1st of December, 2006

Info, rules, and such - here:
Good Luck!
Questions? fire away



note: topic title edited as its breaking conformity in news topics. forgot it broke on the beta site :) -m0d

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