Yo, everyone. I found out about trackers about a year ago, while looking for a MIDI sequencer. At first I thought ModPlug Tracker was just that, but obviously I was mistaken.
Before I was about to delete it, I took a quick look at the formats it loaded, and found out I had a game that had the exact type of music. Sooo, I loaded it up, and I was amazed; Just looking at all the effects and seeing how the pattern arranged notes, it looked very straightforward...about 6 months later, I tried making a song in Modplug and....it sucked. Really bad. But then I wanted to see what other songs used this tracker format..so after a few minutes of googling, I found ModArchive and snagged me XMPlay while I was at it; I've been a tracker freak ever since, and even got my "MIDI4LIFE" friend hooked on it.
So after making a bunch of simple tunes from boredom, I realized I had no source of critique that I can improve from, so I registered here a few days ago.
*cough* From there it's history, I suppose. I started downloading instruments and trying them out, and I hope I'm able to improve my tracker skills from lousy to half-decent.
<.< >.> Okay, and I'll comment on songs too.
*Paynekiller/GaijinPayne, 17 year old code addict from the USA*