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Author Topic: So am I doing this right?  (Read 12887 times)

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So am I doing this right?
« on: May 20, 2008, 09:17:01 »

This is my first time ever tracking. I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm just trying to follow the vague no-speech tutorials out there and drawing my own samples. I'm using the manual for effects (to the least of my ability) and I have no idea if I'm doing this right. Did I draw them correctly? Am I setting up the song right? Am I skipping shortcuts or something? Let me know what you think.

Here's the link:


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Re: So am I doing this right?
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2008, 10:48:30 »

There's sound coming out of the tracker, so yes, you're doing it right! :) This is pretty good, actually. And very much so for a first try. I've seen much more random attempts at effect usage so I'm glad that the manual is proving helpful.

I like the effects your usage of the "delay track" on channel 4 on patterns 1 and 2 produces. On pattern 1, using another sample for the delay track gives the sound a weird presence and on pattern 2, playing the "delays" an octave lower forms like a canon.

If you want a pointer, here's one: you don't need to repeat the parameter 4 for the Axy command, setting it once at the top of the pattern (or even beginning of the song but not practical when working) is enough. Simply using A00 after that will repeat the last parameter, 4. This comes in extra handy if you realize you should have used another value. Much less searching and replacing.


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Re: So am I doing this right?
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2008, 18:37:53 »

Yes, especially as Milkytracker doesn't have a find/replace function...



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Re: So am I doing this right?
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2008, 19:06:09 »

Damn, you blew one of my 1.0-delaying requests wide open.


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Re: So am I doing this right?
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2008, 01:26:34 »

Wow, thanks for the quick replys/words of wisdom! There's still a TON I need to learn about, such as drawing certain sounds I want (like a fatter bass) and what not. But I supposed that'll just come with time. Also, someone should make a keyboard shortcuts section of the manual for the Mac OSX version-translating the windows ones are a bit disorienting. Oh, and when you're playing an instrument are you just limited to those two playable octaves on your keyboard? I'm guessing you have to create another instrument with a lower relative pitch? Get back at me when you can. Thanks!

P.S. : Here's another one I just started...trying panning and pitch bending...

edit2: also, I saw on a video of a guy extending the pattern length instead of making a whole new do I do that? The stuff written before was greyed out and it looked like a continuation...
« Last Edit: May 21, 2008, 05:19:15 by Adenil »


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Re: So am I doing this right?
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2008, 08:03:34 »

I hope you remember you're not limited to drawing samples. Using the generators and filters in the sample editor generally gives nicer results.. and also, nothing beats an actual synth sample for fat basses. Experimenting with .wav files advised. :)

The manual mentions the differences in shorcuts between OS X and Windows but how about using the Quick reference printouts? The manual and the printouts also tell you keys F1...F8 or Cmd-1...8 change the octave. So you're not limited to 2, you're limited to 8.

Dimmed patterns aren't extended, they're just the next/previous pattern as seen in prospective mode. You can enable that in Config > Layout > Pattern Editor or just by pressing the tiny P button above the title, song duration or peak bars.

Extending patterns is done by increasing the Len. value in the main panel. Note that this value is always hexadecimal, even if you are using decimal numbering for pattern rows.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2008, 08:08:00 by raina »


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Re: So am I doing this right?
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2008, 08:56:13 »

I hope you remember you're not limited to drawing samples. Using the generators and filters in the sample editor generally gives nicer results.. and also, nothing beats an actual synth sample for fat basses. Experimenting with .wav files advised. :)

The manual mentions the differences in shorcuts between OS X and Windows but how about using the Quick reference printouts? The manual and the printouts also tell you keys F1...F8 or Cmd-1...8 change the octave. So you're not limited to 2, you're limited to 8.

Dimmed patterns aren't extended, they're just the next/previous pattern as seen in prospective mode. You can enable that in Config > Layout > Pattern Editor or just by pressing the tiny P button above the title, song duration or peak bars.

Extending patterns is done by increasing the Len. value in the main panel. Note that this value is always hexadecimal, even if you are using decimal numbering for pattern rows.

Thank you! :) You've been extremely helpful. The Prospective mode is exactly what I needed. Extending patterns is as well. Although sadly, I only know how to draw samples. I have no idea where to start with using the generators and filters (or even where to find them). I downloaded a bunch of samples from and they didn't work right...maybe because they were mp3s instead of .wavs? Although I got a bunch of samples from the Open Path music .zip from the other thread that linked to the One Laptop Per Child wiki. I'll have to mess with those soon!

Finally, Cmd + 1-8 doesn't work for me? And F1 - f8 are already assigned to other functions on master volume, monitor contrast, and Expose.

Anyhoo, I guess I finished both of those modules for now.



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Re: So am I doing this right?
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2008, 11:26:33 »

Try the sample editor context menu > Advanced for generators and filters.

True, .mp3s won't work straight away. You have to decode them first. On Windows I would recommend either setting your media player to output to .wav instead of the soundcard or using LamedropXPd. Dunno what's the simplest solution on OS X. Same goes for the octave selection: maybe pailes, as a Mac-man, can help you. If all else fails, you can flip over the middle section of the main panel to access mouse controlled octave selection.


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Re: So am I doing this right?
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2008, 15:21:39 »

To use the F1, F2... keys, just press the fn key on your keyboard and than the F1, F2... key
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