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Author Topic: What's your tracker / format of choice? And why?  (Read 99770 times)

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What's your tracker / format of choice? And why?
« on: July 13, 2008, 00:41:27 »

What is your preferred tracker and format?

My favourite trackers are Schism and Impulse Tracker and favourite format is IT.

Why? They are easier to use and share a more cleaner and intuitive interface than FastTracker. IT is (or that's what I've heard) also the most advanced of the "standard" formats.

It is your turn!
Aldrin, Little Sound DJ, Milky, NitroTracker and Schism user


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Re: What's your tracker / format of choice? And why?
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2008, 03:00:33 »

My favorites are NitroTracker and MilkyTracker.  Nitro because it's the first I used, is simple, and can go anywhere, and MilkyTracker because of it's simplicity, and can finish my NitroTracker modules in it.


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Re: What's your tracker / format of choice? And why?
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2008, 13:05:07 »

Why? They are easier to use and share a more cleaner and intuitive interface than FastTracker.

Highly subjective ;)


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Re: What's your tracker / format of choice? And why?
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2008, 14:34:40 »

Why? They are easier to use and share a more cleaner and intuitive interface than FastTracker.

Highly subjective ;)

Oh, I wrote that on my mobile phone. It's slow to write stuff with it.

I think FastTracker has a really messy interface. Too much buttons and stuff everywhere, while Impulse Tracker has a clean one: different screens for different things. It just makes the interface more "friendly".

I hope this makes some sense...
Aldrin, Little Sound DJ, Milky, NitroTracker and Schism user


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Re: What's your tracker / format of choice? And why?
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2008, 15:58:04 »

Sure, it makes a world of sense. But it still remains an issue of preference. (Ah, you did say "I think" this time. ;) ) Sure .IT is more advanced than .XM, it's the totally different interfaces that kept the two trackers competing.

Here's another subjective view: ST3 changed all the basic .MOD commands, WTF? Changing screens to do different stuff seems like a waste of time when you can have everything in one screen that adapts to what you're doing at any given moment. I never fully understood why ST3 and its disciples needed to have two pattern views, one for editing and one for playback. (Admittedly, you can edit the song while it's playing but you can do that in MilkyTracker nowadays, still well in the FT2 UI design principles.)

Note, I'm not saying the IT UI is bad and didn't have its own perks but these are among the reasons that kept many of us FT-heads out of there. Reading the thread again before posting I notice you really weren't saying IT is the only way, but it's yours. So I'm not looking to start a(nother) debate, to each his own and all. Tracker musicians are lucky to have so many alternatives in such a marginal niche (and dare I even call it a) market. Some even like Windows GUIs and pianorotfls (PlayerPro, Sound Club). :evil:

Hello, I'm raina, a tracker musician.
During the past year I've used FamiTracker, MilkyTracker, PandaTracker and Renoise. In the past I've experimented with things like Adlib Tracker, AXS, AY-Tracker and Scream Tracker and if I'll have lapse, I'm pretty sure I'm back all over those bad boys.


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Re: What's your tracker / format of choice? And why?
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2008, 20:17:30 »

Personally I ever used ModPlug Tracker (OpenMPT). I like this tracker because he is very user-friendly, and very stable too.
I now make near professional-sounding musics by using good samples and reverb VST plugins. My tracks are always in IT format (more flexible than XM I think)  :)


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Re: What's your tracker / format of choice? And why?
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2008, 00:30:00 »

i use milkytracker on windows & my pdas.
protracker & octamed on my amiga.
i also tried to use ButtPlug.... ehm Modplug Tracker some years ago, but it was a fucking mess, MODs made with MODPlug (lol) makes my Amiga crash when i try to play them in Protracker.


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Re: What's your tracker / format of choice? And why?
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2008, 23:19:39 »

Because of the nice and clean interface, I can find everything I want in a suitable place. For me most important is to have a complete control over the program and not to struggle with the interface. I have switched from Milky to Renoise because of this.
Milky is fine with its old school style. Renoise is my best choice, however, also because of the VST support.
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Re: What's your tracker / format of choice? And why?
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2008, 15:52:17 »

currently I use milkytracker. Why?

1)Cause I was tracking with that GUI and edit mode since 1994 with FT2... and when you get used to them it is hard to move to other program

2) IMO no other "modern" tracker have better XM/MOD support
« Last Edit: August 06, 2008, 15:56:51 by Kmuland »


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Re: What's your tracker / format of choice? And why?
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2008, 18:17:47 »

New response, from years in the future!
Milky is my tracker of choice, making XM my format of choice. It's stable, it looks nice, it feels nice.
All the trackers with a FT2-like or ProTracker-like layout are fairly comfy to me, and I know most of the XM effects from heart.

I like the IT format more [more features], but I'm not a fan of IT/Schism's layout [seriously, pages? gah!], Cheesetracker *refuses to save* and crashes alot [but it's fairly usable, it's a shame the song I tracked in it couldn't be saved], and I really don't like OpenMPT.
Chibitracker is a bit nicer than the rest of the pack [still IT-like with the layout, but done a bit better], but it's also horrifically buggy [read: it segfaults too much to trust my work to].

In terms of other trackers I use, I'll kick something out with Renoise. Shame there isn't a replayer for this other than Renoise itself. Other than that, I'll use FamiTracker if I need to join an NSF OHC. Rarely, I'll dabble in Klystrack, or if I'm feeling really old-school, I'll fire up AHX, but that almost never happens. And then, sometimes, I'll pull out RMT to do some Atari POKEY stuff.

old response below:

MilkyTracker, namely since it was the most intuitive tracker that I found. (and my only other choice was ModPlug, and I HATED how it felt...)

And I use XM format ( since it's what MilkyTracker saves... ^_^;;; )
« Last Edit: July 30, 2010, 18:34:45 by null1024 »
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