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Author Topic: Project ST-01: The instruments behind the historic ST-01 sample disk revealed  (Read 111965 times)

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I found the long version of "Shaker" again (and this is a much older instance of it.) I also found a long version of Claps1!!! So, I was checking out the samples on Unknown Stars' 1987 Aegis Sonix scores disk "Sonix Concert 1" (both because I'm interested in the samples people used at the time, and also, this disk has a lot of early S.L.L songs [from a year before his first tracker song got released; here is the link:]), and I clicked on "Shake.instr" and noticed that the waveform looked familiar (yep, i can recognize some of these sounds by waveform now), so I played the sound and, just as I suspected, it's "Shaker". But, it's the long version again, and this disk is from 1987, the year Karsten Obarski's Ultimate Soundtracker was released, meaning that either this Sonix scores disk ripped these sounds almost immediately after TUS (the ultimate soundtracker) was released, or....maybe Karsten got the Shaker sound from this disk (or another Sonix disk that happened to have this exact same shaker sound), which seems especially likely because some of the other ST-01 sounds are from the Fairlight, and a lot of Sonix disks (and even Sonix's built-in instrument library) has a few Fairlight sounds, and Karsten Obarski has never mentioned having a Fairlight. Anyways, I'm going to check out some of these other sounds. R_Astley_tomdrum (heh, it's the rickroll tomdrum!), Sussudio_smalldrum sounds cool, Tambclaps sounds...wait a second...this sounds eerily familiar....ohhh my gosh! it's another ST-01 sound! This is Claps1...but..longer? Yeah, I feel like this kinda sort-of barely supports my theory that Karsten ripped some sounds from Sonix score disks. These are Yamaha RX- drum machine sounds, but I don't remember Karsten ever mentioning anywhere that he had any sort of Yamaha drum machine. So, these two samples most likely originated from this disk, or some other disk that also had these sounds. I have them attached here.


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This may sound crazy, but.....I found the true source of the Dynamic Drums "Snare4" sample, which was shortened to make the PopSnare2 that appears in ST-01. Let me explain. Last night, I was listening to INXS' 1983 song "Original Sin", and I was enjoying the song, but then I realized....the snare drum sounded kind-of familiar. I went back to the first few seconds of the song, where it has an isolated drumbeat. (I've included a .wav of this drumbeat in the .zip attached here.) I then played each snare hit in that beginning drumbeat at various frequencies, and most of them sounded pretty similar, but one of them stood out. When I played this specific snare hit an octave lower than what it was recorded at, it sounded exactly like Snare4 being played at a sample rate of 8363Hz. I isolated this one drum hit, loaded it into OpenMPT's sample editor, and then loaded Snare4 into OpenMPT. I then played both sounds at different notes, compared the waveforms, and....I had a match! The two sounds were exactly the same! Although Snare4 (and PopSnare2) have some clicking sounds, that's just due to how those samples were formatted (I think). Also, Snare4 has a tad bit more reverb, so my guess is that the people at New Wave Software (the company that made Dynamic Drums) probably had an alternate mix of the song laying around, or maybe they put it through some mild reverb. Other than that, the samples are a match. I found this especially exciting, because 16 years ago, in this very forum thread, somebody said it was a LinnDrum snare with reverb. Sounds good enough, except I've tried many LinnDrum snare sounds with all sorts of different reverbs, and no matter what I did, none of them sounded quite the same as Snare4. I always thought that I just wasn't using the right sounds or the right reverb, but....nope. It turns out that this person was just wrong. And I noticed that all the snare hits (in the INXS song) sounded slightly different from each other, and had natural variation.....or in other words, this wasn't a drum machine snare....this was an actual acoustic drum kit. Here, I have included a .zip file with .wavs of Linn snares (from the Gearspace forums, uploaded there by user "manfromthe80s"), the Dynamic Drums "Snare4" sample, and the INXS sounds I was talking about. I also have another .zip with those same Linn snares (with reverb), and another one with screenshots of the audio waveforms, but that exceeded the 2MB maximum attachment size here, so I had to upload them to Dropbox, and then put the links here. (Linn Snare Reverbs) (Waveform Comparison)
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