Site works again. Data center are hands-on looking into why their switch is messing with the server's MAC address and making it fail to recover after a power outage.
I repaired the database which was corrupted by the outage.
My hands hurt but you're worth it.
I had also had a road crash so my spine and head isn't too good right now.
This is more or less a good bye from me as I have handed over everything to Saga;
I have revoked my paypal address so any further donations won't work until he has his set up;
The server is secured for another billing cycle - I will be paying the bill in advance to ensure continuity - according to the data center; this will be fine.
Your mothers slippers is not an insult; its the holy ground upon which she walked. Blessed ground. In dedication to my mom; modarchive.org was here and mine for a while.
I still love everyone; but nobody loves me except for my beautiful life partner Ilona who has watched this site rip me to shreads; it is about time. So long and thanks for being the best oldskool party on the planet.
- m0d aka Red-Ruby and I have had many many many aliases.