I use Windows 10 and Chrome..
They play fine in MPTM & Milkytracker (tracker programs), Modplug Player, XMPlay (mod players)... I don't need to test anything else if they work in those 4. I downloaded from various folders, various mods with various extensions, they all played fine. Prowiz recognises them as 4 channel protracker mods as does the ripper I use.
Are you downloading them from within the program your trying to play them in or just downloading them from within a browser?
I only mention the browser because recently Chrome started blocking downloading from certain FTP sites as the files were dangerous (ie this one and even Scene.org)! Even though they are only data files it keeps blocking them. I have to go into Options/Download and click each mod that I want to keep. I'm wondering if that's a possibility. I spent a while looking for how to turn it off in Chrome online, but I can't find a definitive answer.
I'm downloading the files then trying to play them. Doesn't have anything to do with the Temp folder, since they don't work when put in another folder either, and other MODs work just fine in that folder.
This is bugging me out. I tried some other MODs and they don't work. kanmania.mod for some reason doesn't even download properly and shows up as a 0 byte mod file. I tried XMPlay, but it can't play them either. I tried modplug23 too, because I just happened to have it, and it doesn't even attempt to read it. MilkyTracker just gives "Error while loading/unknown format".
I use Windows 7 and Firefox. And Firefox is up to date.
I've attached a module that doesn't work properly. Well, unless the composer actually decided to compose a song like this: