i talk about what i recently downloaded. best of past 6 months. (1/6)
the bended too-loud lead belongs in chiptune. "look ma, no filters! don't need to do this in other tracker!" great effort with sequenced synthesizer. even if it required painstaking recording from hardware.
this is another artist using "mod" format, in 2024. which makes me prefer something else by someone else. but does better work away from cover of cheap disney movies and sort of thing. "by default" this is his best song. after 10 others. update: i noticed in another song. was this done in strange program away from an amiga?
certainly i learn with this module about "nitrotracker." is the one which permits lonely instrument commands. but doesn't do anything with them. definitely this tracker is not for amiga enthusiasts. they like to swap it. even though it's not true swapping: it waits until end of waveform played then switch to other waveform. for me, true swapping is swap right then and there. even if it cause zipper noise. just after this song. i find another module done in "nitrotracker". but it has four channels only. could have been done in milky tracker.
openmpt 1.31.04 fooled by song length. i jump around in song and it claims song is 2-1/2 minutes. but i render to mp3 or wav and it goes over 4 minutes. it must be insolent pause on the last pattern. nothing special about the music.
song is all right. but i'm bothered by repeating patterns to get one minute out of it. also must lower "sample volume" song to 32 because maximum 48 strains on my headphones. it would not be better in "it" format with random volume or filter on pads. i declined using vst effect.

i make reality question on this artist. but i might get banned from this site writing it. something is about to be legalized in some sports. but i strongly disagree. my question is along that line.
hackurr if you are serious about "botb" competition. with that riddim you are using. you should try to remix gescom's song...
if i were the artist i'd watch that voice clip. related to something he says in sample comments. because he mention in other tracks. two other women. don't dedicate any other song he does to your girlfriend. because he says so in a different song. i say stuff like this. it shouldn't disturb me. but i really don't care about personal life of anybody.
not very impressed with work by "awesome" or whatever he calls himself one day. found song by other guy from norway. claims also to be "dr. awesome." but this is by guy who gave address in spain. loves sound blaster pro too much. "mute channels 2, 3 and 4" but that's if you hate flute like i do. but do that and this becomes minimal and boring.
ouch, tough way to compose. but it has to be "mod" so it loads into some inflexible programming system. quite good for 3 channels. but try to use "s3m" which is more flexible for pan channels. or "xm" that support at least eight channels. these days someone could safely render to mp3 or to ogg vorbis.
has to be seen. use openmpt and pick a "display" theme that you hate. then press "alt+p" play back and watch. i'm glad the author was limited to 200 patterns. what a waste of time. maybe did it instead of studying for a test or something. it looks like this song has no jump command. made with "openmpt" so what is this about impulse tracker? why lie about it? even i have done music with basic program create text file, copy and paste into pattern. usually i don't like songs that try to do display trick. but "black queen" was great on qb64 mod player. not as much with sound.
face the reality. finally i find something, if the country is correct. (read the first word again.) which remotely makes anyhow like the missing "a" of some artist. which i have the 4-cd set but lost the second cd during a change of address.
a wry smile to my face the whole while it played back.
you will be irritated if you like "kill robot" beats. artist must have done it on purpose. i don't know. maybe he forgot to add pattern delay one line. and skip on the last line of event. i tried to fix it. in the process discovered this guy is like practical joker.
this is a good troll. in another module he claims in late 1990s that he's 17 years old.
it's frustrating an artist goes with "noname" this, "noname" that. please try to give a name to your song or don't share. because of it, i don't care to say if i liked this song or any other flaw in another module.
this is fine the way it is. but someone else would itch at least to put an echo on the lead.
i have done remix a long time ago. of "five" by gescom. on concertmate-990 keyboard. only using built-in sequencer. it sucked but sounded good to me. now from there i must figure out how to put this into odd time-sig. to do another remix.
i wish this were something longer. but with slow start then speed up. as if he were in a hurry. and nobody else in the "scene" had time for 10-minute track.
sorry, no time to review this module. it sucks. because artist doesn't greet, claims to be in a hurry. no way to get fans.
a song like this done 30 years back. could still put to shame whatever today is overproduced! but only if it stopped at 1 minute 20 seconds. don't know what artist was trying to do with end.
too bad this is one-channel playback. this is as different from above entry. as one artist to another artist. from same country or not.
i wonder how many more of these exist. it could be worse: rick astley's song or something by female artist "k.p." from 2010 decade.
done by hackurr. put plug-in before noticed i didn't upgrade to mptm format. but it worked. got tricked because drums play on different tracks for patterns. i like better his songs not like stupid 4-to-the-floor techno. keep the simple style.
not as fond of the bird as the artist was. i mute one of two channels in openmpt.
once an artist does a song like this, he sticks with negative feeling given by others. because i don't have paper even to give a proper review.
pretty awesome, ten samples! too bad beat was done by somebody else (one sample).
this teases a lot. i liked the beat it had on the last pattern. not even 30 seconds longer for it?
hihats are too darn loud. must have been imported midi file.
definitely this artist and his gang always expect a certain reaction. this song is more like "stupid beagle."
this by hackurr. i ventured to put "hy-filter3" on a couple of parts. xD
do not name anything "as eff". love thyself more. sadly must set "speed" to 3. to avoid effect commands. play for long time in lazy too.
before i put an end to this batch of reviews. would like to say how very disgusted i am. i download a bunch of modules. for two weeks before 24 march. which have this four-letter word. because of this flaw. there are a few artists listed here i will review an only time. and others i will never, ever review. because i cannot find anything from them that interests me. _a_n_y_ artist using this word, i tell them. it does not make you look cool. especially it does not mean you are grown up. quite the opposite. needing vulgar slang to get a point across. want to be considered a confident man? display your feminine side. like "m0d" could. yes it means wear pink on occasion and admit you like a song like "stand back" by stevie nicks.
to the author it's another boring chip. this is quite good, better than a lot of others about the same length. and artist takes trouble with stereo in fasttracker 2.
i wish artist went further with 7-beat. instead of just repeating pattern at the end in straight beat. this would sound great with two additional tracks for pad only.
could you tell me coda, why is this song much louder than hundreds of your other works?
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