Anyways, I started thinking what if (yes, again a horrible idea coming)... the whole modarchive was converted into .mo3s. Think about the size of it after that!
Uhm, ok, I'll go eat my medicine.
Yes eat your medicine because that I am afraid is quite out of the question! If you really want to do this, feel free to download the torrents and do them yourself for personal use.

You have to remember, that
hardly any players or tracker programmes (especially Amiga users, yes they are still out there and of course older DOS trackers) support mo3, and in most of these cases they never will. Therefore it would render this site pretty exclusive to those players and trackers that do - it would discriminate, in a "Microsoft" way.
I often go by the saying "if it ain't broken, don't fix it" and the existing and established mod formats certainly are not broken, so what if they are uncompressed on the module level?? On the archive, they are zipped anyway - which means that if you mo3 compressed each file, and then zipped it you would end up with a file of relativly equal size and there is of course the potential that the filesize can
grow larger if two compression methods are applied.
Food for thought? No. Medicine that tastes bad. :lol: