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Unspoken Thoughts (arc-unspoken.it)

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  • arc-unspoken.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 790.35KB in size and has been downloaded 439 times since Sat 23rd Jan 2021 :D

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  • Mod Archive ID: 191128
  • Downloads: 439
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 900110a23dc63485d5c49708b04ef0bd
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 23
  • Uncompressed Size: 790.35KB
  • Genre: Electronic (general)

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comments Artist's Comments

artist Completed in June 1998.

This was my entry to Music Contest 6. I had only written seven other songs since my MC5 entry, Light of the World, but my skills were much better-developed now than they were the year before. I had resolved to put forth a better effort in MC6 and actually make a good song this time. I even entered into the veteran category this time, although in retrospect I should have stuck with intermediate. Unlike the previous year, there were a couple things that made my life easier for making a song: no hard drive crash, and no computer programming course to consume my time. On the other hand, I was nearing high school graduation, which meant final exams.

I also signed up to be a judge this time around, but I only judged in the first round. The second round started late, and it wasn’t underway until I had already moved to college that September. I no longer had easy access to a computer I could use for judging, and certainly not for the amount of time required to judge songs. So I had to withdraw from judging in the second round.

My song ended up being a two-parter, which was an ominous sign for song quality. Usually in my case, a two-parter meant I had run out of ideas and just decided to change gears instead of building off the main theme. The first part is primarily built around the acoustic guitar. The first few notes sound strikingly similar to the first few notes of the M*A*S*H theme song, which was noted by one of the people who judged my song. The first bridge section is probably the song’s strongest part, the main chorus that follows is relatively weak by comparison (and it’s also the main tune I envisioned when I came up with the song).

The second part uses the same rezonatic sample sequence that I had used in Solitude, which I got from dreaming in green by Necros. On the whole, this half of the song seems to work better than the first half of the song, which one judge noted - I was more in my element here. This second part bears a striking resemblance to a song I made about eight months later: Ascension. All things considered, I think Ascension does it better, although I did like a few aspects of this part of Unspoken Thoughts.

Needless to say, I didn’t make it out of the first round. But at least I did not finish in the lowest group! I probably would have fared better if I had composed Indefinite Radiant earlier and submitted that. So while it could have been better, it was certainly a better effort than Light of the World.

If you’re interested in the judging of this song, read here: Judging results

There was no MC7 - MC6 was the final music contest, and it turns out that the Hornet Archive would shut down later that year. A sad day for the demoscene. I would not have been able to participate in MC7, of course, even if it actually happened - I would leave the country the following year and not have computer access again until 2001.
- arcturus

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Unspoken Thoughts




A Music Contest 6
veteran entry.

     ∙ PutInst 4.0 ∙

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
