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Time and Eternity (v2) (aq_time2.it)

Info Summary

  • aq_time2.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 433.79KB in size and has been downloaded 621 times since Sat 23rd Jan 2021 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 191261
  • Downloads: 621
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 86281ad8875a8b36f0ca363069d21dc3
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 17
  • Uncompressed Size: 433.79KB
  • Genre: Demo Style

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comments Artist's Comments

artist Composed in November 1996.

I completed this song approximately halfway through the Quasar era of my songs (which spanned basically the last 4 months of 1996) and it was certainly my best work in that period. I had written a few decent songs before this and would write one or two decent ones afterward, but I never made a better song until after I became a member of Shattered Fixtures.

The song is focused around the concept of time passing, hence the pendulum sound that plays throughout and the clock chiming at the end. Fun fact, the clock chiming was based on the chimes that our family grandfather clock played in the living room upstairs (the clock is still there today and still works, as of 2021). The pendulum samples were likely from a mod based on Chrono Trigger.

Musically, it’s inspired by When the heavens fall by Purple Motion - and this is mostly apparent in the “plazma” sample that plays throughout. After I released the first version of this song, I got some flak (mostly from my older brother, who happened to hear it) that the lead was too boring and simplistic. So I went back to the drawing board and redid the leads, and made a few other improvements. I never released the improved version, however - until now, 25 years later. And that’s this version. If you want to check out the original that I put on the hornet archive, it’s this one: Time and Eternity

My remaining Quasar songs after this didn’t quite measure up to the quality of this one. A few of them were okay, namely Sorrow's Undoing, but the rest were mostly mediocre. My first song to exceed this one in quality was Panoramic. Eventually, my standard of quality would get to the point where I was regularly producing better work than this song. But at the time, Time and Eternity became my new gold standard.

One quick thought about my original song notes: I don’t think anybody was actually comparing me to Subliminal (another mod musician in my hometown of Olympia, Washington). My writings were just projection. I was hoping to someday match Subliminal’s musical ability, and I was probably feeling annoyed that I hadn’t done that yet. What was I expecting after just six months of doing mod music, though? Anyway, the local mod music scene was soon to be a moot point, as I was just a few months away from joining up with a group on the broader demoscene.
- arcturus

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Time and Eternity

by Arcturus of Quasar/Nucleus

Time:  6:00

Build:  Over 4 hours, probably.  ;)

Wow.  A wonderful song!  Again, I continually kick out those high quality
Arcturus tracks that are so great!  Not that I'm conceited...:)

Okay, maybe I'm a little conceited, but hey, so is everybody!

Now, a lot of people have been telling me that "Maybe someday you'll be as
good as Subliminal!"  Of course, many of these people have not heard of
Purple Motion!  So they should be saying "Maybe someday you'll be as good
as Purple Motion!"  Well, anyway, back to the subject:  WHY IS EVERYBODY
COMPARING ME WITH SUBLIMINAL?!  We don't track the same way!  We have our
own "fields," so to speak!  Hard to explain...figure it out yourself...


(c) 1996 Quasar Productions (A smaller division of Nucleus!)

P.S:  Viola players?!  *WHARF!*  You'd understand if you were in
orchestra!  :)

P.P.S:  Actually, some of my best friends are viola players!  Greetz to
Stucki (Brandon), Erik (Porter)  and Glen (Ekstrom)!

P.P.P.S:  What do you call two violas playing in unison?  A minor third!

P.P.P.P.S:  What's the difference between a cello and a coffin?  With a
coffin, the dead guy is on the inside!  (Rimshot)

P.P.P.P.P.S:  Stucki is his last name.

P.P.P.P.P.P.S:  Um, I was kind of a goofy teenager when I wrote all that
stuff above this in 1996. It is now 2021 and I am no longer a teenager,
but still slightly goofy. Anyway, this song was reasonably good for my
skill level at the time, and I don't think I ever released this updated
version, so here you go. Enjoy.

Arcturus, 25 years later

Bass Tom
Dark Choir
High Crash
Bass Drum + Hihat
Funky breaks
Elec Guitar

VIOLA.PAT (Distorted)
Taco Hell

Wind Howl
Bass tom
Dark Choir
High Crash
Bass Drum + Hihat
Funky breaks
Elec Guitar
Viola players?  *WHARF*:)
Cello Stacatto
ClockTower Bells

Time and Eternity

(The time, by the way,
is 6 minutes 00 seconds)

Shift+F9 in IT

Time and Eternity
v1.1 changes

Changed plazma sample

Leads now are interesting
Changed intro tom drums

Changed drum transition
in pattern 5, it's more
subtle now

Added another breakbeat
channel in most of the

Changed churchbell sample
it is now more realistic

"Clock chiming 12"
pattern 5 seconds longer

Final chord in choir
part sounds more in tune

Added some "Bass Tom" to
one of the last patterns

Pattern nine is played

Wind howl

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