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In Pieces (as_inpcs.it)

Info Summary

  • as_inpcs.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 405.57KB in size and has been downloaded 693 times since Mon 22nd Feb 2021 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 191262
  • Downloads: 693
  • Favourited: 2 times
  • MD5: 148ff25d499ddacdf20850f438e4ea49
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 13
  • Uncompressed Size: 405.57KB
  • Genre: Trance (general)

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comments Artist's Comments

artist Completed in early 1997, probably February or March.

I very well could have lost this song forever if somebody hadn’t kept the Hornet Archive online. For some reason I didn’t have it on my hard drive after all these years, and I was not aware of its absence. But when I started this project of revisiting my old songs and writing about them, I poked my nose back into the Hornet Archive and realized that this song was not on my hard drive. So I downloaded it and brought it back.

A better title for this song would have been “Gymnopedies Trance Mix” because that’s basically what it is. Gymnopedies is probably the most famous work by French pianist Erik Satie. I remember hearing my sister play it on the piano in our house - the melody stuck with me so I decided later on to attempt a track based on it. At the time, my sister didn’t live in our house anymore - she had left for college the previous autumn. I couldn’t easily ask her what the song was or where I could find her sheet music because instant communication wasn’t really a thing in the mid 1990’s. I drew purely from memory.

This song is kind of a weak effort by me. The piano never varies from its two-note bassline, and the airy chords never really deviate either. It’s short and not overly noisy though, and the melody is pleasant and calming, so it could be worse. I used non-standard pattern lengths for this one, 96 rows in most patterns - there were lots of triplets and so I figured it was easier to just multiply my patterns by 1.5 so I could do them without awkward note delay effects. I wouldn’t attempt patterns like this until two years later with Pray For Rain, my last song of the 1990’s, and probably my only song that’s truly in a 3/4 time signature (well, mostly).

About the title - I wanted to invoke the idea of emotional distress, and something like “In Pieces” seemed to fit the bill. At the time, I probably believed that I was (mildly) in such distress myself, but all teenagers probably think that to some degree. Emotionally and socially, I was just fine, aside from a massive lack of self-confidence when it came to dating. But I had a good group of friends and was reasonably well-liked at school, so I can’t really say I had any insurmountable social problems.
- arcturus

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Info Internal Texts *

Airy Chord
909kick (no header)
twinkleb (no header)

Airy Chord
Airy Chord
Piano Octave 1
Piano Octave 2
Piano Octave 3
Piano Octave 4
Piano Octave 5
Piano Octave 6
Hollow Sound Snare
Kick Drum

Twinkling Breakbeat
Temple Lead

In Pieces

by Arcturus

Time:  2:42

Short and sweet, this is
a very high quality song.

I especially like the bit
where I twisted the
chords around and made
them sound more interest-
ing (Right after the
temple lead part, order #

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
