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Dayscream (arc-dayscream.it)

Info Summary

  • arc-dayscream.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 532.26KB in size and has been downloaded 2200 times since Thu 6th Jun 2002 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 33904
  • Downloads: 2200
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: ed4659415a6f1519fe97565816e910ab
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 20
  • Uncompressed Size: 532.26KB
  • Genre: Trance (general)

License License

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comments Artist's Comments

artist Completed April 1999.

I admit that this song is kind of boring. This was one of the few examples of a song where I came up with the title first, and then attempted to write a song that matches the title. In this case, it’s a play on the word “daydream” but the song ended up being more dreamy than screamy.

Most of this song is based on the same chord progression throughout, with an interlude in the middle to break up the monotony. I think the chord progression is interesting, but it’s repeated so often that it gets old. I throw in a sequence of samples with increasing levels of resonance for the “acid” feel to it, as I would have described it back in the day. I guess this song would be considered trance?

The sinewave was a little out of tune in this one, which is a part of this song that will always bother me. I may have fine-tuned it in Impulse Tracker but I don’t think I ever got it 100% correct.

There were two resonatic sequence samples here I “made” myself, and when I say made I mean that I generated them in Goldwave without really having any idea how I did it. Since I didn’t really have any widespread release for this song at the time, I don’t think I ever heard anybody rip the samples. I would get a kick out of it if I ever did hear them in somebody else’s song.

At this point in my tracking career I had definitely stepped up the quality compared to prior years. I would consider this song a minor work at this stage, as it’s not as good as its peers. The songs I had composed immediately before and after (Ascension and Pray For Rain, respectively) were both much higher in quality. Still, this song is a lot better than most of my early work, so it has that going for it. All in all, probably the most forgettable of my post-Shattered Fixtures work, but it has its moments.
- arcturus

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Info Internal Texts *

Dayscream, by Arcturus
Duration:  5:03
Style:  Ambient

This one is structured similarly to my previous song, Ascension.  However,
the sound is very different.  Ascension is more of a "journey" style song,
while this is more ambient.  I stayed pretty true to my style in this one,
with a lot of sweeping chord progressions and frequent percussion stops.

Samples three and four are of my own creation, and I must say they're dang
good.  A lot better than samples I've made with the microphone.  I also
made the sinewave, I think, but nobody really cares about those anyway.

Feel free to use my samples, just make sure you remember to give me credit
for them...actually, as long as you don't take credit for them, I'll be

Outcast Four is coming soon.  Pray For Rain will come later.

ICQ:  6570208

High Flange
Low Flange
Bass Drum
Acid 1
Acid 2
Acid 3
Acid 4
Open Hat
High Flange (me)
Low Flange (me)
Kosmic CD
Kosmic CD
Kosmic CD
Virtual Humanity
Public Domain Sample
   "     "      "
   "     "      "
   "     "      "
Kosmic CD
Sinewave (me)

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
