Devlyn - The Men Who Walk (
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Devlyn - The Men Who Walk. My first full-length song. All instruments come from the standard ModPlug set. I entirely tweaked out but at some point you just have to decide to call it "compl Enjoy! -Devlyn
Steel-str.Gt Syn.Strings1 Pedal Hi-Hat (Standard) Low Tom (Standard) Low-Mid Tom (Standard) Fingered Bs. Electric Snare (Standard) Piccolo Steel-str.Gt Steel-str.Gt Steel-str.Gt Steel-str.Gt Steel-str.Gt Steel-str.Gt Syn.Strings1 Standard Standard Standard Fingered Bs. Standard Piccolo istortionGt istortionGt Syn.Strings1 Syn.Strings1 Fingered Bs. Fingered Bs. Fingered Bs. coustic Bs. Piccolo Piccolo histle histle larinet lute
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