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Download: ![]() ![]() Title: pvc Filename: |
Posted Thu 7th Aug 2003
Rated 8 / 10 |
This tune's got a great feel to it! It's "melody" is pretty repeatitive, but the artist does a fine job varying the different sections enough to really make this tune stand out. The effects are great and it really sounds wonderful. There's a really good balance, and good stereo and dynamic work. It's not exactly 'hardcore' stuff; but it's not a tune to sit down and relax to, either. However, it's really not got any bad sections; it sounds quite good. Great work! This tune is technically also pretty strong. The tracking isn't really advanced, but the artist does use the effects quite well. The samples all sound great and are well used. There's only one volume envelope amongst the instruments; and it's really not too effective; it could be better. There could even be more envelopes in the tune; though I think they're not a must-have, but could definately improve some things in regard to the dynamics especially (which aren't bad of course, but I can never get enough good dynamic work!) Anyway, the song is quite good and definately worth the download. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Chocobo Run Filename: chocoborun.mod |
Posted Thu 7th Aug 2003
Rated 5 / 10 |
This is a happy little tune with a great melody line, but some odd chords. It's slightly repeatitive; not too bad though. Sometimes, the melody seems to play around outside the overall chord structure (layed down by a broken arpeggiated bass line). I'm not sure if it's intended to be quite that way, and it's really not bad; just strange. The tune's sections fit well together, though, and really seem to add up to make a neat sounding tune. Technically, the tune's pretty average. The tracking isn't advanced, as it really only has a few effects here and there. The tune could be a lot better with more dynamic work, and a more careful use of the voices in channels (stereo stuff with the older MOD format). At any rate, the samples sound okay as they are, and the loop points are also okay (one needs a little more work though). Overall, it's a good happy little tune with some room for improvement. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: --- Subversion --- Filename: |
Posted Sun 3rd Aug 2003
Rated 8 / 10 |
This tune's got some great things going for it. The overall sound is pretty good, but I find myself wishing for a more realistic piano sample. Many of the synth/electronic samples sound great. The sections of the piece fit well together, though I think the start of the tune is a little shaky. The tune pretty much starts off a little weak, but from there it gets better and better till the end. Pretty good work, an imaginative tune. The tracking in this one is good; the artist knows his way around a tracker. The effects used are all good; my biggest "gripe" with them is that near the end, the vibrato on the main lead is a little much. Other than that, the effects used all make good sense, really. The panning is a little strange in parts, but is okay as it stands, I suppose. Many of the envelopes used don't seem to be too practical; some of them are very creative though. When I look at the tracking and envelopes, something makes me think that the artist is quite particular.. :) Overall, this tune's got some good ideas and is tracked quite well, but could still be improved upon. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: kislorod-space waves Filename: kis-sw.xm |
Posted Sun 3rd Aug 2003
Rated 4 / 10 |
This tune's got some good spacey stuff going on, but there are a few of the samples that are horribly out of tune. They aren't used all the time, though. The ideas and concept in this tune seem to be pretty good, but it sounds like the same tune twice. There are some good effects in this tune, but some of the pannings are a bit extreme. Also, it'd be better in places if the sine-sounding lead had more dynamic contrast. The tracking isn't really impressive; it's pretty cut and dry. There aren't a lot of effects used. It looks like the artist isn't using all the channels; perhaps they could be trimmed down slightly. The samples are all of decent quality, and some of the effects samples are pretty cool. Many looping samples could use better loop points, and some that are set to bi-directional looping don't really make sense when set that way (and vice-versa). The envelopes used are okay - the most effective ones are the volume envelopes; the panning envelopes are a bit on the extreme side. I realize the concept of the song probably calls for panning quite a bit, but I do think in many cases, the panning envelopes are too off center. Overall, this tune is a great concept with good effects, but needs more attention to detail (tuning, panning, dynamics, etc.) - it'd make this tune stand out quite a bit. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: AUTOMATER +CZ+ Filename: automate.mod |
Posted Sun 3rd Aug 2003
Rated 6 / 10 |
This tune's got a lot of good ideas in it. The different sections of the music really fit well together, and the tune seems to work well as it stands. The samples used seem to sound pretty good for an old 4-chan mod. There are even some creative pannings used (oldstyle mods had channel panning settings if I recall correctly) - basically means the artist had a good idea what he wanted to hear, and knew how to get it. The genre listed probably doesn't really fit this piece.. but it's a hard song to place into any one genre really. It's pretty good for those of you who want an oldskool mod fix. :) The tune was composed back in '92; you can kind of tell, based on the method and style of tracking. It's not advanced really, but it is one of those tunes that, when you listen to it (without looking at the tracking), you might think it's using more than 4 channels. Considering the timeframe this was written in, it's done pretty well; there aren't really a lot of advanced things going on, but it's obvious that the artist had a good idea of what he was doing. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: La naissance du Phoenix Filename: |
Posted Fri 1st Aug 2003
Rated 7 / 10 |
This song's got several great ideas, and an overall impressive set of melodic themes. The different sections fit together quite well. The samples all sound great; though they're mostly taken from another artist's song (as was another tune by this artist; it seems he likes Acumen). :) I make this point because I'm not sure that any of the sample/instrument work was done by this artist, which I suppose is okay as he doesn't take credit for that either. However, the music itself is quite good, and is very enjoyable. The tracking in this tune is pretty basic; most of the work in getting the samples/instruments to sound as they do has been done by another artist. However, a tune still has to make good use of the samples and instruments in the actual composition, and this tune does. I just can't write too much about the technical side of this song for that reason, however. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Special export licence Filename: |
Posted Fri 1st Aug 2003
Rated 7 / 10 |
This tune's kind of an interesting mix of styles; there are also some great ideas in this one. The melodic idea remains mostly the same through most of the piece, but there's enough going on to keep the tune quite interesting. The samples all sound good for this kind of tune, but they're ever so slightly out of tune (a few of them). There is some great stereo work in this tune, and there are some good dynamics (though it'd be great if there were to be more dynamic contrast). The tracking in this tune is pretty straightforward; there's nothing drop-dead impressive about it, but it gets the job done. As mentioned above, there could be more volume work in places. The samples all sound pretty good, and many use good loop points; one or two could be improved slightly. There are some volume and panning envelopes used, as well as sample/instrument panning settings; all of these are pretty good, and help add a great tone to this tune. Overall, this is a good tune with room here and there for improvement. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: "Shamantic" Filename: shamanti.xm |
Posted Fri 1st Aug 2003
Rated 8 / 10 |
This tune's got a great sound. There is a lot of detail in the effects; though I think the panning might be a little wide (too far left and right) in some places. There are some great ambient samples; and the Indian samples also sound great. The different sections in this tune all sound great, and the transitions between them are handled well. The percussion in this tune is pretty interesting; not really something you hear all the time, there's good percussive writing in this tune. Overall, the tune sounds quite good; there could be better stereo work, and perhaps a bit more dynamic work as well; though it's a good tune as-is. Good job! Technically speaking, the tracking in this tune is pretty good; the artist knows how to get the sound he wants. As mentioned above, there could be more dynamic control; stuff fading in and out, as well as showing that kind of dynamic intensity, would really help this tune. The samples all sound great, especially since they're 8-bit; but (when playing the samples individually) you can hear that high-pitched tone generated in some conversion programs when downsampling (this doesn't bear any ill effect for the tune itself, however). There are some very effective envelopes in this tune; though I still think the panning is too wide in some of the instruments. It does look like the artist has taken a lot of time to work the volume and panning envelope timings together, though; many of them are quite good. Overall, this is a great tune with a bit of room to become even better. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: B_e_a_c_h__B_u_g_g_i Filename: beachbuggy2.xm |
Posted Fri 1st Aug 2003
Rated 6 / 10 |
This tune's got an uplifting feel to it. It sounds good, there are a few places that some of the samples sound slightly untuned; but for the most part the samples sound great. The tune's pretty much got one main melodic idea, and every now and then a counter melody will come in. It's not too repeatitive; but perhaps it could use a well placed key change or modulation. There are some cool effects in places, and (for the most part) the samples sound good. There are some interesting instrument choices (like a steel drum-ish sample) but it works for this kind of song. I think the title fits quite well. The tracking in this tune is fairly basic, but there are well placed dynamics (volume control) - though there could be more of that. Also, it could use some good stereo work; as it is now, the tune's pretty static. Perhaps some instruments panned to one side, some to the other, and some that changed panning from time to time. Some of this could be accomplished with volume and panning envelopes. The samples all sound pretty good, and there are even some great 8-bit samples. However, there are some in stereo that should be converted to mono to make the track a bit smaller; the stereo data is the same for both channels in many of the stereo samples. Overall, this is a neat tune that's somewhat basic and has some room to be even better. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: ENERGIZE completed d&b Filename: |
Posted Fri 1st Aug 2003
Rated 7 / 10 |
This tune's a little long, but is pretty good. It's got a good amount of energy, but I feel like it repeats a bit too much. There are some great effects in this one, and I really love the ending. It sounds like the samples are quite good, and everything seems well placed. I don't really consider myself a big fan of DNB tunes; but this one's definately got a great sound to it. It's fairly fast-paced, and (though it's somewhat repeatitive at times) it has a lot going for it. Good work on this one. Technically speaking, this track has some room for improvement, though it's not "bad" exactly. There are too many channels; this usually is never a gripe with me, but in this song it seems like there's a lot of wasted space. Especially considering that it's an .IT file; there are more effective ways to do some of the effects that the artist has placed in several channels; instrument control is a wonderful feature. On the samples: I was fairly surprised to find them to be mostly 8-bit; I really couldn't tell that most of them were 8-bit just from listening to it. The samples are great; but many of the ones that use loop points need a bit more attention. I think the tune could also use some more dynamic contrast, and even some creative stereo work; it seems pretty static as it is now. Overall, this is a great (albeit somewhat long) tune with some room for technical improvement. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Blacksheen Filename: |
Posted Fri 1st Aug 2003
Rated 9 / 10 |
This song's quite different from most I've ever heard. There are quite a few great things about it; there are several wonderful ideas; many of the differing sections seem totally unrelated; yet the artist has crafted great transitions between them; they fit together flawlessly. The tune starts off fairly strange; but from there, it continues to get better and better. There's a tad bit too much panning back and forth (and back and forth...) for my tastes; though it kind of creates an interesting feel for the music. Many of the samples sound pretty lo-fi, yet they all sound good for a tune like this. My favorite section is near the end; everything else seems to lead right up to it. There are parts of this tune that seem a little repeatitive; however, the artist adds well-made counter-melodies to help break up the feeling that you've heard this motive before. Overall, quite an interesting piece of work; sounds great! The tracking in this tune looks pretty good; nothing extremely advanced, but definately not novice or basic. There are some pretty radical pannings (meaning too much) - more dynamic contrast would help to balance that a bit; but still I think the panning should be backed down some. The samples are a decent mix of lo-fi and great sounding 16-bit samples; there's a lot of percussive samples (which are well used) that help the song get a Jungle/Tribal kind of sound. There was only really one sample that had a buggy loop point; the rest sounded great. The section I mentioned above that I liked most starts in pattern 31. :) Overall, this tune's not really pro-level stuff; but it's definately catchy. It's got it's minor issues, but really sounds quite impressive as it is now. Great work! |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Arabian Feelings {MA} Filename: |
Posted Fri 1st Aug 2003
Rated 4 / 10 |
This tune's got a nice folk feel to it, but overall is quite repeatitive. The creation of the tune was fairly complex: according to the credits it was created in one format, converted to MIDI and then to .S3M and finally to this .IT version. Somewhere along that conversion process, the samples became slightly out of tune; it's especially noticable in the 'blown bottle' sample. The tune has a nice idea, but basically it's mostly the same thing over and over again, with slight variation. The samples seem to be great quality, though they need to be tuned. The tune works as it is, but it really should have more to interest the listener. Technically, it shows through that this tune has been converted a few times. The tracking looks a bit messy, and there are some rather interesting tempo changes to keep the track running in time. There are some volumes and pannings used to add some variety; but overall they aren't really enough to make the repeating theme more interesting. The samples are all great, and loop points have been chosen quite well; but again, they need to be tuned. Also, when the conversion to .IT was made, the artist could also have created instruments and made effective use of envelopes; that would also have helped this tune even more. I like the idea behind this tune, and many of the samples sound great; but it ends up being somewhat monotonous. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: of the universe. Filename: mg_cotu.xm |
Posted Mon 28th Jul 2003
Rated 6 / 10 |
This tune's got a good melody and overall feel to it. There are a few main sections that are woven together quite nicely. The samples sound good, and really bring out a good mix with this tune. There's a strange off-key sound coming from some of the pads.. Not sure without looking at the tracking/samples (yet) what's causing it. However, it sounds like (overall) the tune's got a good level of energy, and seems to make use of some decent stereo work; although I feel like there could be more in some places. It also seems like there would be greater overall effect if the tune used more/varying dynamics in places. It's a pretty good tune, though. The tracking in this tune is good, if not a bit minimalistic; the artist seems to know exactly how to get the sound he wants, though. The strange voicings in the pads are what I was hearing earlier; the chords formed in channels 1-6 don't really line up with the harmonic movement of the rest of the piece. It's almost like they're adding an off-color mood; I don't think it fits the spirit of the tune, though. The samples used all sound great, but a few of the loop points need some more attention. Many of the envelopes used are good, but could also be optimized more; some aren't really effective when paired with their samples (the envelope is too long or short for the sample, etc). Overall, this is a good tune with a few places that need some more attention. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: infection-three Filename: infection-three.xm |
Posted Mon 28th Jul 2003
Rated 5 / 10 |
This tune's got some great things going for it, but it's not really overly exciting. The melody and ideas in the tune are good, and the sections fit together really well. Some of the samples sound like the stop too quickly, or are cut off too soon; but they do seem to fit the tune well enough. I get the overall idea of some kind of acid, or perhaps some sort of infection.. so the title fits the tune well. This kind of tune reminds me of some game music for a game where you'd be jumping/running/killing stuff while trying not to fall into boiling acid.. or something. Technically, this tune's pretty good. The tracking isn't really anything special, but things work well enough, and the artist seems to know how to get the sound he's wanting. There could be more effects used in places, and especially some stereo work; it'd add a more ambient feel in places that would help the tune out. Also, there should be more dynamics (volume) used; fade things in and out in places, give it a more spooky sound. As things are now, it's pretty much all one volume throughout the whole piece. The samples chosen for this tune are all pretty good, but a few of them could use loop points to help maximize their effect in the tune itself. There are a few samples which are way too loud and oversampled; but there are also a few great effects samples present, too. There aren't any envelopes used, and here would be a great place to add some dynamic and stereo work to the tune. Overall, this is a basic tune that has a good sound to it for the most part. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: crysalide.xm Filename: crysalide.xm |
Posted Mon 28th Jul 2003
Rated 7 / 10 |
This is a slightly eerie tune that's got some great things going for it. Many of the samples sound great; there are some pops here and there (which I believe sound like bad loop points.. we'll see when I look at the technical stuff in a moment). There's a good use of dynamic effect; great work there. There really should be more stereo stuff going on; it'd add quite a lot more to the overall effect of the tune. The real interesting thing with this one is that it's actually two tunes in one; the first is more mellow, whereas the second section's got a bit more of a shuffle to it. Quite a good contrast between the two. Technically, the tracking looks good. It's pretty minimalistic; and it's the first one in a while I've seen that uses 256 rows.. which isn't a bad thing, but it's odd or uncommon, at any rate. The samples sound great, for the most part. There are several really good ones. And yes, some of them have bad loop points; some, however, have great ones. The volume/panning envelopes are also good, and well used in many cases. Overall, this tune's great for a kind of chilling ambient tune. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: sjhine Filename: musix-shine.mod |
Posted Mon 28th Jul 2003
Rated 7 / 10 |
This tune's got some great use of chord progressions, and some interesting ideas. The different sections of the piece really fit well together, and it keeps you guessing as to where it will go next. It's got a good amount of energy, and has enough to keep the listener interested throughout. While it's put together pretty well (for a 4-chan MOD), I can't help but get the feeling that the artist felt somewhat limited or restricted by having to use just the four channels (at least in a few places). The samples in this one sound good considering the time/genre of this tune, and it's got a great breakbeat/groove backing it up about all the way through. Pretty good one! Technically, the tune's good (again, considering the time it was made, and how it was made, etc). There is a good understanding of effects and their use. There only seems to be one note in the bass that I can't quite figure out; sometimes (like in pattern 8, row 16, for example) it just hits a note that doesn't fit; I'm not sure if this is an intentional note, or perhaps a mistake. Either way, though, the tune's got some great moments, and gives me a great feeling of nostalgia. It's not the "best" 4-channel MOD out there, folks, but it's still pretty good, and well worth the download. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: 2step part 1 Filename: 2step1.xm |
Posted Sun 27th Jul 2003
Rated 7 / 10 |
This tune's got a great feel to it. It's somewhat ambient, but has a fairly driving beat that reminds me of some dance or club music. The samples all sound great; there is a good overall balance in this tune. The vocal samples are nicely echoed, but there's too much stereo seperation between them; I think it would be more effective to have the vocals closer to center, rather than panned hard left and right. The tune seems to flow along nicely, but I'd say it seems a bit too short for my taste. Still, a nice job with this one, it's got a good groove to it. It seems like it could use more, though... something to make it more interesting; but I can't quite put my finger on it. Technically, this tune is somewhat average, and somewhat minimalistic. The tracking is good, with good use of a few effects. The samples are all great, but the few volume envelopes used don't really make a lot of sense; they could be improved slightly, perhaps even combined with some good loop points in the samples even. There's only one loop point chosen, and it's well placed. Overall, there's not a lot to go by with this one; but it's a good song with some great samples. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Summoning the Underworld Filename: |
Posted Sun 27th Jul 2003
Rated 7 / 10 |
This song's an interesting mix of orchestral and metal. The first thing that really stood out to me was the first metal section; it is in 3/4 time, which isn't exactly "common" with metal music. I also like the strings and choirs; they sound great, for the most part. There seems to be a decent amount of panning in the tune, though some things are panned back and forth a bit too much (drums especially - drums tend to sound best when left in one spot, either centered or slightly off center). The opening is a nice part, too; an almost ambient sound that sets up a great visual in my mind, inspired by the title. I get the feeling of some sorcery, trying to summon things up from the ground.. pretty effective. The samples seem to be decent, perhaps could be better, but aren't really bad. The only other thing is that in some places, a voice/instrument seems to be fairly static; varying the volume, or fading it in and back out again, would help this (for example, instrument 7 in ptrns 16-20, and other places). Technically, the tune looks pretty good. The tracking is good, though there could be more dynamics used in places. There's a pretty good understanding of the effects and their use, and for the most part, things seem to work well for the tracking. The samples all sound good, and many of the loop points are chosen quite well; though some need a bit of work (esp. samples 55 and 56). Many of the volume envelopes look pretty good, some could be optimized better perhaps. Overall, this is a good tune with average and above average samples, some really creative sections, and a great atmosphere. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: <unnamed> Filename: ole-crimson.xm |
Posted Wed 9th Jul 2003
Rated 8 / 10 |
This tune has several complex and strange moments to it. The artist (who, on his artist page, claims "Music for the Weird") goes through several phases in this tune; there are a few sections in 5/4 meter and some others which explore some great emotion. The structure of the tune is made up of several different sections, which all seem to fit together really well. This isn't a tune for those who like solid melodies, though; be warned! However, it is quite interesting; I can see a tune like this fitting in nicely in, say, a level/map for games like StarCraft. It's got the spacy/experimental aspect to it, all the while there seems to be a drive and determination to the piece. It's not traditional, and could definately be called weird; but the music and ideas are also fairly complex. The melodies seem to be lamenting someone or something, and are really effective. I don't usually like experimental stuff like this (it could easilly fit into the "Twentieth Century" genre of music), but this one is chillingly unique. Worth the download, if you like "weird music." :) Technically, the artist could be called a minimalist; it seems he uses exactly the effect he needs, and doesn't really go over the top, or overuse, anything. The tracking looks good, you can tell the artist knows what he's up to there; things are pretty explicit. The samples used all seem to fit pretty well, though I'm not so sure about the snare/cymbals used, especially near the end (starting in pattern 91) - something about the sound there just seems odd. The two volume envelopes used are effective. There also seems to be just about the correct amount of panning; though even more stereo work, here and there, would probably not hurt. Overall, this is a (yes, I'll say it again) weird but effective tune; there are a few spots where it gets a little crazy, but it's really quite cool. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: sp-saveus.xm Filename: sp-saveus.xm |
Posted Wed 9th Jul 2003
Rated 6 / 10 |
This tune's got some great moments to it, and also a rather odd moment. There are some great trance melodies with this one, but part way through (starting in pattern 33) the inspirational speech from Independance Day, complete with the movie's score, is included; this wouldn't be so bad if the music wasn't there, or if the trance music followed the movie's music. I don't really feel the part really fits the song too well, either; it could probably be left out and the song would be just as good, if not better. However, the samples used and the overall musical content in this tune do sound good; I just can't help but question the inclusion of the movie sample(s). The tracking in this tune has been done pretty well, though it's not really very advanced. The effects and cut off's are well placed and used effectively. The samples all sound pretty good, and the volume/panning loops present have been used well enough; I'd still like to hear more stereo work, though, I think it'd enhance the overall feel of this tune quite a bit. As it stands, this tune is pretty good, but it could lose the whole Independance Day sample/section and be even better. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: **The lost moon** Filename: pd-tlm.xm |
Posted Tue 8th Jul 2003
Rated 6 / 10 |
This tune's got two main sections, a slower ambient one and a faster rock section. Both seem to come across well. The samples used seem to sound great, especially considering the size of the track. I don't really feel that the transition between the slower/faster parts of the song happens well; it's quite direct. Other than that, there are some good ideas happening in this one. It's just a little harder than most to get interested in; it seems to have a really light texture, even in the heavier sections. Technically, this one's not anything you've never seen before. The tracking is fairly basic, with some well placed effects. The samples do sound good for being lo-fi, and they're well used. The ones with loop points make use of those points well. Some instruments have volume envelopes; one or two are great, and the rest might need more attention to be the most effective. Perhaps more stereo work, though, would help this tune even more. Overall, this is a good tune with two distinct parts; it sounds good, but it could be more interesting. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Storm Filename: parsstr.xm |
Posted Tue 8th Jul 2003
Rated 5 / 10 |
This is a tune that's got a good idea and some great counter melodies throughout, but could use more balance, too. The chord progression used throughout the tune is pretty good, but there should be a bridge section; or some variance in the progression. As it is, there's the same four chords over and over and over... Also, I don't really get the idea of a storm from this tune, but it does sound angry. There are several spots where the little counter melodies really fit quite well. The samples could be better, for the most part, in a tune like this. Midway through where the bottom falls out and we've got the bell tolling, a key change would have been appropriate to provide a modulation/variance. There are variations over the main theme, but there just doesn't seem to be enough. Technically, the tracking is all pretty basic in this one. The samples are a little lo-fi and perhaps could have been chosen better (depending on when the track was released; there's no real indication of that). Several of the loop points could have been chosen better, and the volume/panning envelopes could also have been used more effectively. Overall, this is a slightly interesting tune that could use more technical attention, and also some more variation. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Passionate Feelings -PaX- Filename: passion3.s3m |
Posted Tue 8th Jul 2003
Rated 7 / 10 |
This tune's got some great moments to it. It seems to have some pent-up agression as well. The ideas are great; and the various sections really seem to fit well together. There are a few times when things seem to come apart at the seams slightly, but overall the tune holds it's own pretty well. The lo-fi samples are slightly behind the times of when this track was created (1998) but aren't too bad, all things considered. The overall nature of the tune seems to be a 'loud-and-in-your-face' one; however, some sections do seem to be a bit too loud. The tune could use a bit more balance. Technically, the tune is tracked well. The artist seems to know his way around the tracker pretty well. The effects used are all done well enough. The samples, for what they are, have been chosen well enough, but many of the looping samples could have used better loop points. Overall, this is a good (albeit loud) tune with a slightly retro agressive sound to it. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: A Whispering Voice Filename: |
Posted Tue 8th Jul 2003
Rated 7 / 10 |
This tune's got a great sound to it, but tends to be somewhat repetitive, even given the genre. The overall sound and characteristics of the tune fit well, and the only real gripe I have with the balance is the bass drum seems to be too loud in comparison with the rest of the track. The piece flows through several different sections, but there seem to be only slight differences. The tune is built over a reoccuring theme set down by a guitar/harp loop; some variance there would help improve the tune. As it stands, it's got a good sound to it, and everything seems to fit well enough. Technically, the tune is pretty good. The tracking isn't too basic, but it's also nothing really quite advanced, either. The samples are all pretty good, and the loop points were chosen well; there are one or two that have small bumps in them, though. There's only one sample using a volume envelope, which is effective; as the song is written I don't see the need to have used more envelopes, though some slight panning envelopes would have provided more interesting effects. Overall, this is a good tune that could use a bit more variation. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Tmp_3 Filename: tmp_3.xm |
Posted Fri 4th Jul 2003
Rated 6 / 10 |
This is a good ambient tune with just enough effects to make it a contemplative song. I like the feel of the song, but the weather/rain effects used need to transition in and out; as it is now, they start and stop suddenly, which draws the listener out of the overall experience the rest of the tune sets up. The effects on the main/lead voices seem to be pretty good, and they make good use of panning most of the time. The voicings in the melody are also quite good, there are some great chords used. The rain ending abruptly just bugs me, though. Technically, this tune is pretty basic. The tracking makes little use of effects. The samples are pretty good, most of them are 8-bit but are used well. Some loop points could have been chosen more carefully though. The volume and panning envelopes used are pretty good, as they really provide the bulk of the effects used in the tune. There could be more attention paid to the balance of the tune; some things (rain, amongst others) are too loud, and (again) need some dynamics. Overall, the tune is pretty neat, but is tracked on a pretty basic level. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: >>[ Human Evolution ]<< Filename: |
Posted Fri 4th Jul 2003
Rated 8 / 10 |
This is a great tune! There is a really good atmosphere in this one. The ideas are all quite strong and really give the song a good character. The overall balance in the tune is wonderful, and the subtle volume and panning effects are all well used. The nature of the tune isn't drop-dead interesting, but overall the tune stands well as it is. The spoken samples sound great, but they're almost a little too soft. The different sections of the piece really fit well together, and the transitions are handled flawlessly. At times there seems to be too much echo, especially in the drums; but it doesn't really detract from the overall impression I get with this tune. Good work! Technically, this tune is pretty strong. The tracking is great, and the artist clearly understands the effects and their use. I'm not quite convinced that all 32 channels are necessarry; but I know it's also not too important to watch the number of channels used in trackers these days. The samples used really fit the atmosphere of the tune, and are all pretty good. Some could use better loop points though. The panning envelopes are pretty good, but I question the use of instruments; several instruments are identical, and I really don't see the point in that. However, the tune is really solid, with good tracking and a great atmosphere. Definately worth downloading. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Mayhem Filename: mayhem_x.s3m |
Posted Fri 4th Jul 2003
Rated 6 / 10 |
This tune is pretty good, though it has some questionable moments here and there. However, the chord progressions are pretty cool, and the sections of the tune seem to fit pretty well together overall. The samples seem to fit the tune pretty well also. The portas in the main/lead voice at times seem almost out of place, but other times are just cool. The lead also tends to visit a few chord centers that are outside of the established progressions, but it's not really too far out. Interesting sound with this one. Technically, the tune seems pretty straightforward. There's nothing really spectacular about the tracking, but the effects are used well, though I'm still a little iffy on those portamentos. The samples are all 8-bit, but are used pretty well throughout the song. Some loop points could have been chosen better, however. The tune would sound a lot better with some good stereo work; as it stands now, it's pretty static. Overall, it's an interesting tune with a bit of a lo-fi approach. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: behind the screen Filename: behindthescreen.xm |
Posted Fri 4th Jul 2003
Rated 7 / 10 |
This tune is really pretty good; it's got a good mood and strong enough melody. There are times when the chords don't quite line up like one might expect; It's probably intentional by the artist, but I'd recommend a closer look around, for example, the 3/4 mark of pattern 18. The samples sound pretty good as they're used here, though the drums might be better if they were a little stronger. The part of the tune where everything kind of drops out (into a half-speed kind of setting) seems odd; it could use better transitions, especially going back into the tune. There are some great things going on in this tune, and it's a really interesting mix. Technically, this tune looks pretty good. The tracking has been done quite well, and there is a solid understanding of the effects and their use. I almost question the nearly constant use of panning in some parts; sometimes the panning moves too quickly. The samples used are pretty good, though a few could be better. However, they all are well used in the song. Some loop points could have been chosen better, though. Overall, this is a good reggae/synth hybrid with an interesting sound and good tracking. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Heavy Brain (3:23) Filename: |
Posted Mon 16th Jun 2003
Rated 5 / 10 |
The music is all pretty good with this one, but it doesn't seem like the melody really stays in character with the rest of the piece. Throughout most of it, the vibrato is really too wide; it would be great if the vibrato were varied somewhat (the speed), and if it weren't quite so wide (it strays too far either side of the given pitch, as it is). The drumwork is pretty good in this tune, it seems to fit the overall style and idea of the tune. Technically, the tune is pretty basic. The tracking makes use of occasional effects, though they are handled well. The samples sound pretty good, even the guitars (which are hard to sample well) - however, most could definately use better loop points. The tune seems to be laid out well enough, but it seems to suffer from a non-characteristic melody with too much (or too wide) vibrato. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Fear (Xtnded Maniacal Mix) Filename: |
Posted Mon 16th Jun 2003
Rated 7 / 10 |
The music in this tune is really pretty good; it is definately an effects-based tune, though. Not that this is a bad thing! As for the title, it really fits the tune. The opening soon features bomb/air-raid sirens; which, to me, ranks up there as something pretty freaky. There's a good riff that comes in after that; but really, from that point on, the song really seems to lack a melody. The riff and ideas are great; but they are repeated far too many times. The track could really use some new ideas, and a melody, to make it truly outstanding. Technically, the track is a bit basic, but also shows a lot of potential. The tracking itself is rather bland, although the artist makes effective use of volume and panning effects. The samples used all fit the song well, though one or two need more attention paid to their loop points. The envelopes, where used, are effective. The structure of the song seems to fit it well enough, but it's a bit too long as is - it really should have more substance. The beginning is really great; but the tune then starts to grow old; it's like scaring someone with the same tactic over and over.. and over.... Before long, their senses dull and they're not scared with the same tactic. This tune's got a great ending and overall sound, but it needs more development, and could also stand a good melodic theme. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Emerald Sword Filename: |
Posted Sun 15th Jun 2003
Rated 6 / 10 |
This is a pretty good tune that could use a slightly better balance. The melody is good, but at times it seems kind of weak for a song like this; using a more full sample of some sort would help, especially with the bowed-glass sounding sample. Also, there are a few times where the chord progressions don't quite make the best sense, but overall the structure of the song is pretty solid. There could also be a bit more detail in the stereo/panning settings. The drum work is pretty solid, and seems to fit a song like this well enough. Technically, this track is pretty basic, but makes good use of looping and envelopes. There could be a lot more effects used in the tracking, which would help it a bit. The samples are all pretty good, especially for the lo-fi ones; though the drums might be a little too lo-fi. The loop points are all (for the most part) chosen quite well, though some (mainly the bidi ones) don't work as well as they could. The envelopes used are all pretty effective. Overall, this is a good metal track that could be improved with a few modifications. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Tempest [Jason's Song] Filename: |
Posted Sun 15th Jun 2003
Rated 5 / 10 |
This is a good tune that could use a bit more work in places. The vocals sound good, but (as the artist mentions in the comments) they're lo-fi because of the size limitations. Some of the effects are really too loud; the repeating, high-pitched sample that provides the chords and overall movement for the song really gets old. It could use some dynamics, and overall could be softer. The environmental effects sound good, but they too could be better with more dynamic control. The drums, when they enter, are good; but they might have too much of a filter on them; and they could stand to be a bit louder. For a cover, it is done pretty well, though I've never heard the original song. Technically, this tune is pretty basic. The tracking is good, but could use a lot more effects work, to provide all that dynamic control I was talking about. The samples are all okay, but there's not much need for two wind samples (they are the same, but have different panning values) -- you can do that with two instruments that use the same sample. The drums, as it turns out, are sampled with the filtering already in place... The tune might sound even better with cleaner drums. The vocal samples all sound good, but the last one might have a bit too much effects on it. The envelopes used for the instruments are all pretty good, and seem to have been thoughtfully placed. Overall, this is a good cover, but it could stand to have some more work. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: The Force (Koto) Filename: |
Posted Sun 15th Jun 2003
Rated 6 / 10 |
This tune's got a nice sound, but also seems really thin. The melody is a bit odd, and could stand to be on an instrument/sample with more substance. The stereo work seems a bit odd, it doesn't really make much sense. The track ends up being pretty repeaditive, too; and it's also kind of hard to classify this kind of tune. It's got good moments, though, and is fairly interesting overall. Technically, the tracking is pretty good. The artist seems to know his way around a tracker well enough, but I don't really agree with some of the envelope choices. The melodic voice(s) span across several samples/instruments, and just about each one has it's own, slightly different panning envelope. On the samples, many don't really have good loop points; and, again, the ones used for the melody are really so close that there's no need for several different samples... For some, the only discernable difference is the pitch. At any rate, this is an interesting tune which seems to lack a bit of focus, but overall is kind of a neat idea. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Unicorn Land Filename: unicorn.s3m |
Posted Sat 14th Jun 2003
Rated 5 / 10 |
This is a dreamy tune that could use some better quality samples and dynamic control. As it is, the melody is great; the harmony and chord progressions are also pretty good. The chord progressions are good, but start to get a bit old by the end. The samples sound pretty standard; they could probably have been chosen a bit better. Also, there's not really any dynamics; nothing fading in and out really well. The drum work is pretty basic, but effective. There is some stereo work, but it could be a bit better. The structure of the song seems to work well, and it sounds almost mythical; good choice for a title. Technically, the tune is really at a very basic level. The tracking is fairly straight forward, and doesn't really use any effects. The samples are all pretty lo-fi, and some of the loop points could use some better placement. There's not really much more to say on the technical side; it's really basic, but it seems to work for the tune well enough. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: The Final End Filename: pmk_xmas.xm |
Posted Sat 14th Jun 2003
Rated 6 / 10 |
This is a neat little tune that could stand a little more substance. The melody is nice, and fits the song well enough. The structure is also pretty good; the drum loops and overall makeup of the song really seem to work well. The crystal lead thing is a little "stale" sounding to me, though... and really, the song seems to be too short, almost like it just ends unexpectedly. There are some great effects, but the song would be much more dramatic with some good stereo work. Technically, this tune is much more basic than it sounds. The tracking is all just about as simple as you can get; as most of the substance in this track is made up of looped material. The samples are all pretty good, and loop points are chosen well enough. There are some interesting envelopes, but the samples that actually use them don't loop, so they're not entirely effective. But still, this tune is pretty catchy, though it might not be sophisticated when you take a look at how it's put together. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: Tiger in the night Filename: tiger24.xm |
Posted Sat 14th Jun 2003
Rated 7 / 10 |
This is an good, upbeat tune that would be even better with more emphatic percussion. As it stands now, the melody is great; the harmonies are also well chosen. The chord progressions also are quite interesting. There seems to be a great overall balance, and some good stereo work (though it's a tad bit basic). I can't help getting the feeling that some bigger crashes, gongs, timpani, and miscellaneous other percussive "hits" would really help the dramatic content in this tune. As it is now, though, it's a pretty strong piece; though it's not drop-dead addicting. Technically, this piece is pretty good. There seems to be a good understanding of the tracking and effects. The samples are all pretty good, though one or two are a bit distorted by too much amplification. Also, some loop points are okay, but many need a bit more work. The envelopes, where present, are interesting, and well chosen; though a bit more tweaking there could also enhance the environment of the tune even more. Overall, this tune is a great piece of work that lacks that extra bit of "oomph" to really make it stand out. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: SweetBreak Filename: rvesweetbreak.xm |
Posted Sat 14th Jun 2003
Rated 5 / 10 |
This tune's got a catchy sound to it, with just enough spunk and a great balance. The melody is good, and the overall structure of the tune works well enough. It's designed to loop, so it'd make good game music. The samples all sound really clear and vibrant. I also like the use of the organ samples. The drums are really basic, but for this kind of tune they do fit well. The only other real musical drawbacks are the somewhat repeaditive nature and the weak stereo work; more stereo seperation/panning, and even some more dynamic contrast, would really help this tune. Technically, the tracking is quite novice. This tune has potential.. if only it had some great effects work. But still, for what it is, the tune really works. The samples all sound good, but some need better loop points; and the envelopes (where present) could also be more effective. Overall, this is a pretty basic tune with a catchy feel to it. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: She Was My Friend by Samos Filename: friend.s3m |
Posted Sat 14th Jun 2003
Rated 4 / 10 |
This tune seems to be a very thoughtful tribute to someone, but it seems to suffer from some panning choices and lo-fi samples. The melody and harmony really seem to work well; but the drums almost seem out of place with everything else. The panning seems to be random; which doesn't do any good for the song. The song also seems to be pretty repeaditive, although the artist seems to be making an effort to vary it up somewhat; I think a twist in the chord progression here or there would really help. Also, I dislike the sudden ending; a song like this should at least fade into nothingness.. Perhaps the ending is intentional, but I'm not sure if it was, or was just a lack of more inspiration. Technically, this tune isn't really spectacular. The tracking seems basic, and the choice of setting each channel to a static panning preset doesn't favor this tune. The samples are all lo-fi, and the loop points aren't chosen well; I feel like more attention here would really help the tune. Overall, it's a nice melody, but it could use more technical attention throughout the tune. |
Download: ![]() ![]() Title: go revolution! Filename: gorevo.mod |
Posted Sat 14th Jun 2003
Rated 5 / 10 |
This one's a decent little chip tune with an average melody and effects. There's not really that much to this tune; somehow, though, the title doesn't seem to fit well to me (except where there's the "Revolution" sample). The structure of the tune could stand more attention, as there are times it seems an idea is just dropped or forgotten about. Chips might not really be my cup of tea, but this one's good for what it is. There seems to be a good handle on the effects and tracking, and the vibrato and portas used on the main lead fit pretty well. Then again, though, the structure seems pretty weak, as the melody's going along well, and just drops off. Also, sometimes the melody seems to be rambling around on it's own; it's almost experimental in that respect. Overall, this is a decent chip, but needs more structure and perhaps some more attention on the melody. |
Title: utopia planitia
Rated 7 / 10