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Messages - ASIKWUSpulse

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6
Sampling / Re: Trying to find the source of this string-sample
« on: March 15, 2020, 17:58:01 »
It's definitely usable, thank you :D (now I got interested in doing more paulstretch - I'll maybe share some)

though I still hope to find the answer real answer.
I actually tried to jump around between modules from doj, kalu and necros just to confirm that I'm not lazy asking others to do search for me

Sampling / Trying to find the source of this string-sample
« on: March 13, 2020, 23:28:53 »
I'm looking for the source of the string-sample in sample-slot 1 of this module below

Breadfan has credited the sources, but not in as much details of telling which samples comes from what source.

If it's from one of his cds, obviously this module would certainly be its only source - though he has also stated necros and two other artists as source. The reason is to find out if the sample came from another module where it's longer and of somewhat better quality - I love to use it to jam with (haven't used it much in my music, only like 2 or 3 modules so far)

The Lobby / Re: ST3 and IT style visualizer?
« on: January 21, 2020, 17:28:06 »
Actually, yes! that too. I didn't think of that :D

Help Support Topics Archive / special-character bug with comments
« on: January 12, 2020, 22:48:49 »
If you type certain characters like <, posting the comment will result in the character itself and the text beyond not getting included.

Noticed that while commenting on module recently

The Lobby / ST3 and IT style visualizer?
« on: January 09, 2020, 23:05:49 »
Wouldn't that be cool?
They have this special play-window with real-time visuals, like the note-spectrum, the channel-view ofc and the VU-meters with status-window of the instruments currently playing in the channels with as small details as showing if note-off has been struck or not.

It's a good way when you've got no good MV-skills + only a computer, and you wanna share stuff on video-media.

The demand is made because well, I know you can play .s3xmodit files in ST3 and IT to use those visuals, but other formats?
It would be cool with such a plugin that could play almost all the formats OpenMPT can import + some of the chip-formats like AHX and SID.

I would like to know how to program such visuals, but I'm very poor in that knowledge, I only know the basics of C++ and C# (I'm understanding the bit more advanced stuff like object-orientation, though there I quite already have too many juggling-balls in the air)

Thanks  ;D

The links I've found on google so far are all broken :(
Tbc, I'm after the module.

Tried it again after months of abandon...
...Well, I can say that answering 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 where 1 = yes and 3 = unsure, will result in "This module is good, you can add it to the archive. You can as well feature it" - :grimacing:

Has it happened anything interesting since I published this? am curious ;)

The Lobby / Re: Longest module ever?
« on: March 19, 2019, 21:54:58 »
A tip on composing long modules that will keep you listening is to try catching inspirations different from each other. That process is mainly done through the daily basis of creating music:
  • Wait for a moment when you feel inspired, then catch that inspiration.
  • In the end, you merge everything together into sections (maybe you'll also find inspiration to make a cool fade between the sections).

Hopefully it may work if the inspirations between the sections is composed in a way that you have "balance of something new and something old" - keeping on exploring a hole, that has no symmetry but CAN have similarities that reminds of symmetry. - I. "Ice" Wüst 2019 :P

Also, WouterVL, let me know when you're making an hour-module :)

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