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Messages - looper231

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Players / Re: Understanding effects processing
« on: January 08, 2024, 16:08:58 »
Hi again. The note volume stays to whatever it is sled to after. The effect itself slides the volume of the note played and not the sample itself. Keep in mind that "Volume slide" is not only an effect command but also a volume command. What do I mean? In XM and other later tracker formats you can do like so:

Code: [Select]
c-5 18 v64 ---
--- -- c01 ---
--- -- c01 ---
--- -- c01 ---
--- -- c01 ---

"c01" here is a volume command, which tells the note to slide volume. In this case, slide upwards. to slide it down, you use dXX command. This is useful for many different cases, like for example if you want to keep portamento while you're sliding volume.

Also keep in mind that there is an effect like "Kxx" which is a VolSide+Vibrato and "Lxx" which is VolSlide+NotePorta

It's ultimately up to a composer on how to use the tools.

Also, you can keep it in one thread. It's okay :)

Hope this helps

Players / Re: Understanding effects processing
« on: January 08, 2024, 14:34:15 »
Sorry for the bother, I'm sort of new to the scene -- can you recommend an AHX tracker for Mac?

Players / Re: Understanding effects processing
« on: January 08, 2024, 13:24:58 »

A good chunk of them is AHX. rest are MODs with chiptune samples in them
The difference here is that in AHX is not sample based

Players / Re: Understanding effects processing
« on: January 08, 2024, 13:05:25 »
BTW, Dz, You can try to port Pink's chiptunes as a benchmark for your work. He has a lot of great chips out there. You can also take a look at AHX uploads, since they are SID-like tunes but made on Amiga.

Good luck with your project!

The Lobby / Re: Media with tracker music OSTs
« on: January 08, 2024, 11:19:46 »
The only instance I can come up with are all early pop cap games such as PvZ, Dynamite and Zuma Deluxe; Enkord games such as Clash n Slash; There are also other "Office games" genre titles that have tracker music as .mo3 files. Ones I remember are: Astro Fury amd Alien Outbreak

Players / Re: Understanding effects processing
« on: January 08, 2024, 11:09:13 »
Great stuff! Keep it up, brother!  :)

Code: [Select]
Thank you to looper231 for your patienceHehehe, thank you for your great effort too :) <3


Could you name the modules you are talking about, so I can give them a look?

Players / Re: Understanding effects processing
« on: January 03, 2024, 01:08:44 »
Interested to see progress from you!

Players / Re: Understanding effects processing
« on: January 02, 2024, 12:57:25 »
No worries, I was mostly rambling.  My apologies for that.

I guess my primary question can be boiled down to this:  when "note portamento" is read, does it start bending the pitch of the old (current) note on the second tick, or on the first tick?

Likewise for the "note delay": does the first tick count as part of the delay, or should the counter start on the second tick?


It all starts on the first tick

Players / Re: Understanding effects processing
« on: December 31, 2023, 01:01:42 »
Hmm. Sorry, but it indeed sounds confusing to me. I really don't know a solution to your problem..

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