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Messages - looper231

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7
Players / Re: Understanding effects processing
« on: December 28, 2023, 19:15:37 »
Glad to help :-)
If there are any further questions, ask away

Players / Re: Understanding effects processing
« on: December 28, 2023, 08:54:29 »
Greetz :-)
I have good experience with XM and I can help you with my intel
Some corrections from others will be appreciated if any are needed

Pattern delay pauses the playback by the number of rows you specify. For example if you set pattern delay by 8 rows, the module will stop advancing for 8 rows equivalent of time (if you take ticks per row in mind) and continue afterwards. Note that all note playback and/or effects will persist while it's delayed.

Note delay makes the note play not on the first tick of the row, but later, depends on how many ticks are you delaying it. Make sure that it's not above the ticks per row value for your tracker. If for example your TPR is 4 and you set delay by 5, the note will simply not play when delaying, the previous note keeps playing without any stetching of sorts

Jump to order jumps the order after on the last tick of the row. Same works pattern break and pattern loop and also break to row.

Hope this helps :-)

First experienced modules back when I was 5 years old... It was on PS1 and warez :p

One of the first modules that I've listened to were by Estrayk/WOTW, since theirs were very common in cracktros. I've later leant, that the demoscene exists too and all of the tracks I loved are also linked to the demoscene, so I started exploring! I first stumbled upon Modarchive in 2018, when I was looking for a way to download all my Estrayk favourites. Liked the site so much, I registered and started collecting favs and listening to random tunes almost 5 hours a day!

Meanwhile, in 2008 I've discovered The Sound of SceneSat and I learned about Nectarine much later! I got to know about scene people and made some friends too.

In 2020 I've made my first ever track in MPT. It was initally supposed to be a port requested by my friend, but then it grew into something else :-)

Module music changed my life in a lot of ways and it all started in 2006 on that PS1... I can definitely say, that It defined my music taste and led to crazy situations and friendships.

Help Support Topics Archive / Re: reset ratings on my tunes
« on: December 21, 2023, 11:42:58 »
Amazing! All fixed! Thank you so much! <3

Help Support Topics Archive / Re: reset ratings on my tunes
« on: December 20, 2023, 01:26:07 »
Thank you for further info!

The Lobby / Re: So... the archive is dead?
« on: December 11, 2023, 23:44:35 »
What a great summary, m0d. God bless. Wish you can recover as fast as possible!  :angel:

On the note of continuing to work with the website and when you eventually finish the maintenance, are you planning to continue handle it solo, or get some others to maintain the backend part of the website?

The Lobby / Re: So... the archive is dead?
« on: December 10, 2023, 02:30:51 »
Putting yourself above over 200 thousand songs, individual creative works of art, is also inhuman.
How can you make such a ridiculous statement? I don't think you can compare the life of a human who's literally fighting for it and art. Those are two entirely different things, all important. Besides, you're forgetting how the Modarchive you all use everyday is being hosted by SceneSat. If there's ever going to be any notice about it go down, I'm sure Ziphoid would inform us about it.

Please don't assume next time that equalizing someone's life and art is okay...

The Lobby / Re: So... the archive is dead?
« on: November 17, 2023, 07:15:12 »
if it really is dying, then, has anyone thought of preserving all modules (and comments and maybe even user profiles) so that someone can make a new modarchive (with the old data preserved) if the current one dies?
or is that too big of a task?

One of my friends is actually planning to snap shot the archive. He's been downloading the module torrents lately. He's doing it in moderation not to consume too much bandwith.

Sad to see this place in such a state

News / Re: Site maintenance
« on: November 01, 2023, 04:08:54 »
I can also confirm that Saga is indeed active in the scene. He's been at TRSAC 2023 even. I can't say what's going on with his relation to TMA. This situation is getting more and more dire. I'm really sorry to hear about the horrifying condition, m0d.  :(

Help Support Topics Archive / Re: reset ratings on my tunes
« on: October 12, 2023, 13:20:14 »
Sweet. I'll wait for the post you mentioned then! Thanks for the work you put  :)

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