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Messages - raina

Pages: 1 ... 41 42 43 44 45 [46] 47 48 49 50 51 ... 72
MilkyTracker Support / Re: Multichannel recording always on
« on: October 27, 2008, 19:09:34 »
Just joking and pointing out that the WIP documentation covers that, if not much else. ;)

MilkyTracker Support / Re: Multichannel recording always on
« on: October 26, 2008, 22:19:18 »
Was that with or without the help of the FAQ?

MilkyTracker Community / Re: Pattern Rhythm Consistency
« on: October 16, 2008, 00:06:20 »
The default pattern length is 64 rows and the way to have a steady rhythm across patterns without messing with that number is to break this into to even parts. If you placed a bass drum kick on the first row and another one 32 (20 in hexadecimal) rows apart, sure enough you would have a steady beat, although a very, very slow one. Howzabout 16 (10 h) rows? 8? Getting there.. 4? Techno, techno, techno, etc..

Does that help at all? Btw, you don't have to do techno ;) , you could just as well use any sample like that to give you a sort of metronome click into which you can time other elements of your track. It could be anything really and needn't be part of the song, just delete it when you've got the song rolling without it.

MilkyTracker Tracks & Songs / Parallax Glacier
« on: October 15, 2008, 17:55:38 »
The demo of sverx's Nintendo DS XM replay library is finally out and so is my demo song. If you want to get a feel of how it sounds on the NDS, set your player mixing rate to 32kHz and choose no interpolation and no ramping. Or you can just get the ROM for your NDS or emulator here:

EDIT: The module is now archived here:

And there's an emulator video capture on YouTube:

You have changed the default Add value by either clicking the + button (next to Add) in the main panel or by pressing the key left of 1. The default value 1 will have the cursor move 1 line after you insert a note.

(and Shift+The key left of 1 does what the - button does)

MilkyTracker Support / Re: Changing Instruments/Samples
« on: October 12, 2008, 20:52:03 »

You're attempting to switch samples on the fly without triggering a new note. That is not possible in .XM files or in MilkyTracker in Fasttracker 2.x playback mode. You can however do that in ProTracker 2.x playback mode (find it under Options) but that means working with .MOD files and their special limitations. And more or less stick a "4 channels max" limitation on top of that because I'm told no PC trackers/players ever really supported this trick.

MilkyTracker Tracks & Songs / Re: Techniques of Chipping
« on: October 12, 2008, 19:53:50 »
What the Vhiiula writes about doesn't concern editing the sample. The volume envelope is a separate thing located in the instrument editor, where you can also edit it.

The Lobby / Re: Need For Madness Music
« on: October 11, 2008, 11:14:26 »
The credit is wrong because the archive consists of thousands upon thousands of modules and it is not affiliated with most of the authors. I did try the game and I didn't recognize any of the tracks I heard with my 15 years of listening to module music. That's why I think it's safe to say they aren't very famous, and could prove very hard to identify.

If this was a downloadable game, it would most likely be very easy to identify the tracks and their authors from the original module files. But these are just low-quality recordings and it would have been the game author's responsibility to a) get the permissions to use the tracks and b) properly credit the authors. Have you tried asking him? The current "credit" is pretty worthless unless you value being able to find this forum, indirectly report a case of abuse and piss off a couple of nerds in the process.

MilkyTracker Community / Re: Beatslicing in Milky Tracker
« on: October 07, 2008, 21:06:44 »
When you want to toy with a loop sample while retaining it intact, the 9xx command can be used trigger a sample in different positions. Its usefulness is a little limited when it comes to extremely high or low quality samples but otherwise, that's what I use.

Tracking / Re: The 10 most common tracker mistakes
« on: October 04, 2008, 19:02:38 »
Yeah, I know. Will read it later.

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