The Lobby / Re: What sequencing (or DAW) software do you use?
« on: August 31, 2009, 16:15:00 »
I worked with Reason some years ago, wich is really intuitive. I recently gave a try whith Cubase but I wasn't in my element. When I bought my MIDI keyboard, Ableton Live was offered so I tried it. In fact I decided to go back to sequencers when I saw everybody was talkign about "VSTI". Ableton is pretty cool because you can use it like a real sequencer but also for... kinda "live mixing" with several loops programmed and you launch them when you want. But finally I discovered Renoise which has the advantages of modern sequencers but with a tracker interface hehe. Goodbye sequencers ! Maybe I'll use Ableton and Reason again when I decide to practice guitar again
But what is sure is that using a sequencer with horizontal scrolling change your "point of view", your way of composing so it can be useful to try new things and experiment when you don't have anymore idea.