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Messages - pailes

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MilkyTracker Community / Re: Stereo-Files
« on: May 19, 2010, 19:49:23 »
...and OpenMPT is actually capable of removing all "extensions" automatically.
That's nice, but how does it improve the format mess MPT left behind?

MilkyTracker Community / Re: Stereo-Files
« on: May 19, 2010, 19:46:36 »
BeRo is not based on any other tracker. Schism was based on libmodplug, yes, but that is besides the point: Since the .IT format can handle stereo samples, Schism naturally has support for stereo samples - so XM stereo samples are also loaded. Mind you, the Schism loaders have been completely rewritten and do not resemble the old libmodplug loaders anymore.
The point is, the IT format is neither a complete XM superset nor is Schism meant to correctly play XM modules. So yes, you will gain the possibility to load and play stereo samples and at the same time you will lose true XM effect compatibility.

And another point is that nobody will actually use BeroTracker or Schism to play XM songs that's pretty obvious.

MilkyTracker Community / Re: Stereo-Files
« on: May 19, 2010, 19:39:42 »
not true? ok, excellent. can you let me know which other trackers/players recognize the MPT modified XM/IT format (aside from MP Player)?
MilkyTracker reads them, but it converts the stereo samples into mono ones, heh ;)

As discussed many times already it has been a stupid idea to "extend" the format in a way that they're no longer backwards compatible and they cannot even be loaded with FT2 anymore. But the same holds true for more than 32 channels and similar things.

But that's just the way it is now... :rolleyes:

MilkyTracker Feature Requests / Re: A new feature idea
« on: May 19, 2010, 19:08:29 »
Mixing audio is just summing up the tracks in the same buffer. If you want to add this feature you will have to modify ChannelMixer.* and rework parts of the audio driver implementation because mixing always takes place in the same buffer and I assume for multichannel support you need to mix into seperate buffers for each channel you have.

I think using amiga style periods is merely an amiga hardware limitation. If I remember correctly paula was taking those periods directly, it was not dealing with frequencies at all.

Whoa. MilkyTracker is a FT2 clone, and FT2 ran perfectly on machines with less than 100 MHz.

You can't compare MilkyTracker to FT2. FT2 ran in a single threaded environment with direct access to both sound and graphics hardware.
In modern operating systems there are a dozen layers of indirection plus the MilkyTracker GUI is purely software-rendered in true R/G/B colorspace. While 1ghz seems very much in comparison to a old DOS box it's really not much when you want to draw a 1024x768 GUI in software.

Ok I did some investigation with original ST3 and it seems that ST3 can't load these files either. I will make the S3M loader more robust so it will neither crash nor lockup in an infinite loop.

I really wonder where all those incorrectly stored s3ms are coming from. I mean, they're basically corrupt because their way of storing the data is not s3m spec compliant. How can a pattern even start at an offset which is not a multiple of 16?

MilkyTracker Support / Re: Saving/Loading Samples
« on: April 22, 2010, 08:11:36 »
I just tried and yeah, you're right. There seems to be a bug in the WAV export that nobody noticed yet :)

Edit: It's not a bug in the WAV exporter, when I implemented Quicktime support on OS X, I totally forgot about the fact, that Quicktime will also replace the internal WAV loader. And the Quicktime WAV import seems to either incorrectly load the 8 bit wave sample or there is indeed a bug in the WAV exporter which causes Quicktime to incorrectly load the sample.

I will think about a solution.

Btw. it only happens on OS X because only the OS X version supports Quicktime sample loading.

MilkyTracker Support / Re: build milkytracker in Windows XP error
« on: December 31, 2009, 08:49:33 »
Please post your entire directory structure and exact steps on how you try to build MilkyTracker.

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