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Messages - ASIKWUSpulse

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  • If you're uploading a module / modules made by you, select YES.
  • If you're uploading a module / modules not made by you with granted rights from the author, select NO

The "no" option makes the module or modules you upload not to be affiliated with you but only that you uploaded it, which only us screeners can see, but it wont be added to your account when it gets added to the archive.

Sampling / Re: Question about samples copyright
« on: February 25, 2021, 17:29:34 »
Hope the sharing of sampled Tunefish 3 patches are ok. I've looked the source up, the vst-plugin is made by sceners :D, specifically the demoscene group Brain Control.

First of all, have you checked with Hajba if it is ok to upload the IT-module?

That's weird. I think that could be a libopenmpt bug, because I've played the tracks without problem before. See with Saga when he answers, he's one of the OpenMPT developers.

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: Module by artist on TMA without link
« on: January 07, 2021, 17:35:53 »

This module is a collab with the TMA Anton

I have no idea when he will log on TMA again, since it's been more than a year since he was. Thought it would be good if it got linked with him since I'll never know if he still remembers it, and Anton is a very common name :)

Tracking / Re: Horizontal tracker interface
« on: October 06, 2020, 16:48:41 »
I think that is why nobody has made any "horizontal" trackers.

I'm working on one.
Switchable between horizontal and vertical.

A bit like Ableton Live, where you can switch between Session view (which is vertical) and Arrangement view (which is horizontal)
Both have their advantages.

Even in most trackers there is already the concept of horizontal time in the sample-editor view.
Say you want a graphical preview of the waveform shape of each channel, then horizontal makes much more sense.

Oh cool :o, I'm looking forward to see how the horizontal layout turns out. I might take back saying
If I were to express my real honest opinion, there's no such thing as vertical or horizontal trackers. They're just trackers.
, since I don't know because there are so many unknown trackers that might have had a horizontal layout option.

Thing is just I haven't thought of any of them as vertical or horizontal if the other option doesn't exist, then I feel it's no need to call them either the one or the other, even if it is laid out that way. But they might exists, so I should in reality say anything :)

Tracking / Re: Horizontal tracker interface
« on: October 03, 2020, 14:54:14 »
Why would you want a horizontal tracker interface?

I mean like Saga said, Famistudio isn't a "horizontal tracker interface". If I were to express my real honest opinion, there's no such thing as vertical or horizontal trackers. They're just trackers.

Sure I see what you mean with a "horizontal" tracker interface, and it technically would work. Thing is, all other trackers have been made the other way due to a normal standard and being kept so for the sake of human direction sense, so why would anyone want an interface that completely swaps directions?

It will just disadvantageous mess with the sense of direction when you switch or use multiple trackers - I think that is why nobody has made any "horizontal" trackers.

Feedback & Suggestions / Module by artist on TMA without link
« on: August 28, 2020, 09:40:47 »
Just a helpful heads up.


Maybe this could become a pinned thread for posting modules by an artist that is on but isn't linked with them, to help those running the site with module-assigning?

The Lobby / Re: MA problems?
« on: May 29, 2020, 19:41:00 »
It's fast again!! ;D

The Lobby / Re: MA problems?
« on: May 26, 2020, 18:38:13 »
Yeah I've noticed too

I was screening last sunday, but unfortunately life outside the computer interrupted and then I had no more time to screen.

Here on TMA though I (perhaps the other from the screening-crew too) can't guarantee how long screening will take. It's all up to how busy the screeners are with other things than screening and how many screeners there is for the moment.
Right now, Saga is the most active, I'm less active since private life has been more busy recently (and seems to be for the nearest future).
Then there's sammie, who switched account not so long ago, so I don't know if she has access to the screening tool at the moment this is written. But she's also been a lot inactive for the last 3 months afaik. Then there's others, but they have barely shown any activity at all for the last half year at least (though I could be wrong, it's easy for things to slip by my eyes)

Though I'm going to take more time this weekend if I can. Stay tuned, it shouldn't take a month.

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