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Faded Enthralled Ya/To Fall (mb-enthrlld9fall0.s3m)

Info Summary

  • mb-enthrlld9fall0.s3m is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 573.64KB in size and has been downloaded 85 times since Mon 10th Jun 2024 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 206923
  • Downloads: 85
  • Favourited: 1 times
  • MD5: 64198e93f73b37744eb14be117cf2c66
  • Format: S3M
  • Channels: 8
  • Uncompressed Size: 573.64KB
  • Genre: n/a

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Faded Entralled Ya /
Choosing to Fall
By Minebrandon
[RepellantMold you better
treat this as 2 diff songs]
Samples From RM's Jaded
Nostalgia & Losing it All
(The titles probably mean
something but idk)
Inspiration from: Close to
Me by The Cure, Aquatic
Ambience, and Gangplank
Galleon by David Wise
(I made sure to listen to
th_ song multiple times per
day for the fall song), a
random asortment of Big Jim
tracks,& probably another1.
Made for Nicole's MC1 Music
Compostition te first, MC1.
As some of my felow Big Jim
Scholars should kno, he was
in MC2 & MC3, and like him
in MC3, I'll probably get
5th place, but that's from
there being like 4 entries
in total so far (yes I know
more are on the way).
I used the very advanced
strategy in my piece of
reading the hints section f
MC6, I feel that actually
listening to the winners
would be better, but I only
listen to Big Jim songs and
adjacent songs for sample
research, so nah.
Given that I'm in the past,
I don't know my score,
so following this wil be an
edit saying my score 4 the
ModArchive release.
I tested it and it works
fine on both OpenMPT &
Schism, but weirdly enough,
not Cubic Player, the one
Big Jim reccomended for
e-95264, his MC3 song, the
smooth pan commands used 4
the arpeggio in channel 7
just don't work, no idea Y.
That also reminds me, I got
DosBox to work and found
something really fun to do
with demos, so I might shar
that soon.
Almost forgot about greetz:
Vad1m(who fixed sample 1's
clicking in Schism),Jannab
(who should learn trackin);
ModArchive, Lilia, Paladin
Ryan & Chese Cult Discords;
Bran da Flan,Redfoxligting,
Bored Yoshi,Llamu probably,
The 8-Bit Guy(idk anymore),
I guess Banclam has made
some good videos so him to,
Ranked 6th out of 9
or more accurately
7th out of 10 folks.
Now that sounds pretty bad,
but that's before factoring
in the points. 1st got 108,
2nd got 107, 3rd got 76,
then we're on the 60s.
both 4ths got 69, 5th got
68, I got 65, 7th got 63,
& the 2 others got 52 & 38.
So overall extremely close.
My wishes for MC2 is to
get 5th, to convince Llamu
& RM to join, & maybe rig
the votes because I didn't
do it this time, oh well :)

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
