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Pacific Lights (arc-pacificlights.it)

Info Summary

  • arc-pacificlights.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 348.98KB in size and has been downloaded 517 times since Sun 24th Jan 2021 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 191146
  • Downloads: 517
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 63823202953942a76ff28d4e03630a48
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 22
  • Uncompressed Size: 348.98KB
  • Genre: Rock (general)

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


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comments Artist's Comments

artist Composed in December 1996.

This song is weirdly melancholy, more so than most of my songs. It wasn’t a sad song for any particular reason, I think I had just come up with a melody and decided to run with it. I completed this song just a few days after The Ethereal Plane, and it was part of a short burst of songwriting after a month or so of dormancy. I would complete three more songs before 1996 came to an end.

For the title, I think I had imagined a setting of somebody watching out toward the ocean at dusk as the occasional ship went by. The titular lights refer to the lights on the ships, not the stars or sunset.

Musically, it maintains a consistent tempo and mostly sticks to the theme without changing things up too much. It does transition into a coda, but I don’t really think that counts as becoming a two-parter. The samples come from various sources: there are two kinds of guitar, an electric guitar set that I first used in Pretzelstock and would use from time to time in my songs over the next year or so. I also used Washburn guitar samples, most famously used in Leviathan’s Emerald Visions - Leviathan. I had used the Washburn lead first in my weird song Delta, where it was included in a contest sample pack. In 1997, I would use these samples again in two of my best songs: the electric guitar set in Gravity, and the Washburn lead in Solitude.

Overall this is a decent song, not one of my best, but solid given that I still had only about 7-8 months of experience when I wrote it. I honestly don’t really have much to say about it as there’s no real story behind its composition. It’s just a song I put together.
- arcturus

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Info Internal Texts *

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Fake Dulcimer
Tom Floor
Another HiHat
Reg Hihat
kickinbr (no header)
Badly Looped Dulcimer
Tom Floor
Open HiHat
Closed Hihat
kickinbr (no header)
Violin Hit
Marcato Strings

Pacific Lights by
aPicifc iLhgst A
Time-4:17        C
Channels-30       T
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Have fun with this one!


* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
