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Messages - Deltafire

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 12 13 14 [15] 16 17 18 19 20
MilkyTracker Support / Re: MilkyTracker website down?
« on: September 30, 2008, 20:07:50 »
It's not you, the website really is down.

I've no idea when it'll be back, sorry - hopefully not too long!  Pop into the IRC channel if you need anything (#milkytracker on Esper).

MilkyTracker Community / Re: MilkyTracker ported to OS/2
« on: August 29, 2008, 00:09:01 »
Hi shai,

Congratulations on the port.  I'll try to address some of the issues you experienced:

"it requires SDL- and ALSA-check m4 macros (sdl.m4 and alsa.m4)"
These are included in the source distribution archive, they are purposel omitted from the svn repository (anything that is autogenerated isn't stored on the svn).

"use macros to check for libzzip and remove it from the source archive (you probably know that as you already hardcoded in the automake files to link the binary against libzzip and don't use the internal version anymore)."
Again, this is on the svn development trunk only - it will be altered when the next version is released. Pailes is reluctant to remove it from the source archive at present due to various reasons.  It's worth pointing out that the automake build system is currently only used for the SDL version, OSX and Windows go there own way.

"you should really check whether SDL supports OpenGL in"
Development version only.. The opengl support was just a test, and will probably be dropped altogether as it offered no advantages.

"Usually one has to add SDLCALL macros for SDL callbacks and you have to take care of atexit(SDL_Quit)-like statements because the SDL library calling convention (OS/2 syscall) differs from the C calling convention. Nevertheless it compiled and worked fine without it which even surprised me."
Are you sure? I had already made those changes to the trunk before you downloaded it.

Regarding the mouse pointer flicker, blame SDL - it must not be using the hardware pointer, you'd be better patching SDL to fix this rather than writing a workaround specific to Milkytracker.

Posix or native path handling? You decide! Native might be better.

I prefer Milkytracker's internal filebrowser/message box rather than the OS provided ones. Makes it feel more integrated. :)

MilkyTracker Community / Re: Very Basic Question
« on: July 24, 2008, 19:26:00 »
Sounds like you need to create a volume envelope (instrument editor).

Tracking / Re: VSTi basics
« on: July 20, 2008, 22:21:39 »
I could spend ages explaining the principles of different methods of sound synthesis, but I'd be wasting time.

Just fiddle with the controls until you find a sound that you like, that's all you need to know  :)

MilkyTracker Feature Requests / Re: reverb?
« on: July 17, 2008, 18:34:47 »
Hehe, I don't think this will ever be implemented in Milkytracker on principal. However, if you're running *nix you can route Milkytracker through a reverb filter using Jack.

Use the key to the right of left-shift (\ on my keyboard) to enter a note-off.

As I said, I don't know how to disable the shortcuts in Gnome. However, if anyone does know a way to disable global shortcuts programmatically then I'd be glad to implement it (Renoise does this somehow..)

Help me find that... / Re: Beatbox + Depeche mode
« on: July 14, 2008, 19:34:13 »
I'm actually amazed that this "tune" is in the modarchive.

You can configure KDE to disable the WM shortcuts for specific applications, I don't know about Gnome as I don't use it.

MilkyTracker Bug Reports / Re: replen bug
« on: July 03, 2008, 13:36:04 »
I still can't reproduce this bug, I am going to assume that the fault is some 64-bit incompatibility (I only have 32-bit environments to test).  I'm not going to go through the hassle of installing a 64-bit OS just to check this, so I hope that someone else can compile a debug build from the source and run it under a debugger to see what's going on.

I think I saw that behaviour once when running Milkytracker under Wine, I presumed it was a bug with Wine..

What OS are you using?

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