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 on: Yesterday at 12:33:51 
Started by Axxy - Last post by Axxy
I'm assuming this is a remake of the Purple Motion original starshine?

Anyone have any idea who did this version of Starshine added on the 22nd (unless jttlm is the credit, author in file says Tuna)?

 on: July 25, 2024, 23:52:38 
Started by matrixtechnologies484 - Last post by user100000akacreator

I just downloaded the game and tried to extract the music from the executable. Unfortunately I have not been able to extract the mod files.  ???

Mainly because the Myster Muszel executable doesn't work like the Mario Forever executable where you can extract the game files via WinRAR / 7-zip.

I hope you can find that song.... Good luck

 on: July 18, 2024, 17:31:03 
Started by matrixtechnologies484 - Last post by matrixtechnologies484
I discovered this cool song in the third world from this game "Myster Muszel" by Buziol Games. The creator of Mario Forever. But I searched throughout the internet, and I couldn't find out a single thing.

 on: July 18, 2024, 12:38:25 
Started by warlord - Last post by Flashira
All done. :)

 on: July 17, 2024, 11:17:42 
Started by warlord - Last post by warlord
It looks like that someone has been a busy bee and uploaded recently a huge pile of my older tracker tunes from ~ 1998-2015 to modarchive (leeched likely from my old homepage/FTP at some point, which hasn't been up for a few years now). So I would now like to claim these tracks under my artist profile, where they'd belong.

My artist ID 69571 (

Songs that I would like to claim to my artist profile have filename that starts with "warlord_<year>" in the below search results as those have been all composed by me:

Can these be claimed in to my artist profile bulk or do I need to list the all Mod Archive IDs separately?

Additionally the below songs have been composed by me, although their filename start with "armagon" (due to being released on various musicdisks), which was a (metal) tracker group I founded back in the days, so I'd like them tagged under my artist profile as well:

IDs: 202917, 206423, 202855, 204231, 203779, 203427, 203362, 204543, 203462, 202979, 204017, 202941, 204093, 204018, 204092, 202980, 204544, 203363, 203463

(let's see if I missed anything as I was was fairly productive in the olden days)

Thanks in advance!

 on: July 17, 2024, 10:44:33 
Started by Axxy - Last post by zeraleph
There is, they're compressed to a .BIN file. Allister said that XM's were used because they're really small and can be loaded into RAM. The only track that isn't tracked music is the title song.

 on: July 16, 2024, 22:55:32 
Started by TwoferOrIlI - Last post by TwoferOrIlI
 :D I made my own tracker song after around 3 months trying to learn Impulse Tracker. The name is "Pioneer's Backpack!".
Mod Archive page:
I've made songs with the good old SPC700, VRC6, and 2A03 chips for years, but since getting into making my own PC games and coding projects, I decided to get into tracking! After over a week's work and audio editing, here it is! (Although, I do need a bit of help... What genre would this be?)

 on: July 16, 2024, 13:03:39 
Started by Axxy - Last post by Axxy
Wow, nice...

I remember that 1st Driver game, one of the best driving games I can remember from back then, was so much fun. The 2nd one kind of undid all the best things about the original and made it a terrible game, plus windows started making things difficult for games..  I don't remember there being tracked music in the game though?

Nice findings though!!  8)

 on: July 16, 2024, 01:15:51 
Started by Axxy - Last post by Flashira
The uploader has responded, they were made by Allister Brimble, for video games Driver (1999) and Driver 2 (2000).

 on: July 16, 2024, 00:59:39 
Started by Axxy - Last post by Flashira
Currently trying to contact the person who uploaded these modules. Will keep you updated

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