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 on: June 20, 2024, 20:06:18 
Started by midiphobix - Last post by Flashira
Check your DM :)

 on: June 20, 2024, 20:00:04 
Started by midiphobix - Last post by midiphobix
- Application type
        -- Discord bot that plays module files

- Platform(s)
        -- Any platform Discord is on, but it's originally going to be built on Linux.

- Predicted demand, an estimation of how many requests a month you will make.
        -- About 1,000 to 5,000 requests per month.

- Commercial interest, is this a for-sale app?
        -- It's free, so no.

 on: June 17, 2024, 16:15:32 
Started by berrykeen - Last post by Flashira

 on: June 16, 2024, 22:14:50 
Started by berrykeen - Last post by berrykeen

While trying to map out my old keygen music collection to their module counterparts on TMA, I discovered that a few tracks I had were not available here; so I thought I'd upload them.

Only after uploading did I realize that one of the tracks ("untitled-651.xm") appears to be a variant of Ghidorah's Lackerad Keramik.

I'm not sure if this is a proper variant of this track, or just a conversion someone did to wrench it inside a keygen.  The untitled track's file size is about 10 KB larger than the one already on TMA, and doing the invert-and-compare-the-waveforms trick in Audacity shows that a few of the instruments are indeed different.

Sorry about the confusion here; I thought I should let someone know about it.

 on: June 14, 2024, 13:39:04 
Started by perrykragle7903 - Last post by perrykragle7903
OMG Yes!!! Thank you so much...


Your contribution will be shared in the comment section of said video in the video even if it will be inevitably buried there...

 on: June 14, 2024, 13:08:27 
Started by perrykragle7903 - Last post by cs127
found them by looking through the comments!

 on: June 14, 2024, 12:43:34 
Started by perrykragle7903 - Last post by perrykragle7903
SONGS NOW IDENTIFIED! Thank you to user cs127

The video:

"Traffic flow measured on 30 different 4-way junctions"

0:00 to 1:20 - "12oz." by Darkwolf

1:20 to 6:07 - "Deep, pure feel" by temez0

I was postng this because I swore that I downloaded some song from this website that sounds exactly like the one used in the first half of this video. However, I have since forgotten its name. Very glad to hear I did not misremember it, only its name. The first song lasts from 0:00 until 1:20. The other song lasts between 1:20 until 6:07.

I'm also posting this on the hopes that anyone else looking for the first song, or even the second song might find their names.

Once again, thank you to user cs127 for helping me find the name of the song!

 on: June 12, 2024, 22:35:37 
Started by ziphoid - Last post by Soundman
I am sad to hear about m0d. However I am happy to hear that there are plans to build a new website, this website screams for a makeover in terms of its color. It looks like an old pair of green Khaki army pants from the M*A*S*H TV show, it needs color because it looks very depressing.

 on: June 10, 2024, 13:35:29 
Started by DZ-Jay - Last post by DZ-Jay
Arpeggio effect can only process upwards, there is no way to do it backwards, your arp chord must start with the lowest note.

Thanks, I figured as much.  Luckily, I have an ace up my sleeve:  my instrument definition (which are tones instead of samples) supports an envelope, vibrato, and a 4-step arpeggio. :)

In any case, it is not a big problem to start with the lowest note.


 on: June 10, 2024, 12:12:07 
Started by DZ-Jay - Last post by looper231
Arpeggio effect can only process upwards, there is no way to do it backwards, your arp chord must start with the lowest note.

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