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 on: February 03, 2025, 07:19:20 
Started by Kefka - Last post by Kefka

I want to claim ownership of the module Amazing Grejs (kefka_-_amazinggrejs.mod)

Mod Archive ID: 199739

My artist page:

Regards / kefka of iNSANE

 on: January 30, 2025, 22:51:04 
Started by hitchhikr - Last post by hitchhikr
v2.8.1 final released.

The only change is a fix of a nasty bug that was occurring with 64 bit built versions.

 on: January 27, 2025, 18:35:22 
Started by hitchhikr - Last post by hitchhikr
Final version released today.

 on: January 25, 2025, 16:59:46 
Started by hitchhikr - Last post by hitchhikr
V2.8.0 "PRE RELEASE 2" available (if you're interested).

 on: January 22, 2025, 05:47:45 
Started by m0d - Last post by RetiCence
I've been working on a console/terminal based player, heavily inspired by DMP and similar players. It's kind of a GUI for libopenmpt, native Windows 32/64 bit only. Open Source.

Found here:
As it's still a bit in development, latest binaries are provided with the source code tab/section.


 on: January 18, 2025, 17:21:53 
Started by cCc_DragonLord_ↄↃↄ - Last post by cCc_DragonLord_ↄↃↄ
Greetings, Mod Archive members.

So, today I've finished my module made in OpenMPT for 2 days (yesterday - today)

Here's module

As a beginner musician I find it very important to see your feedback

 on: January 18, 2025, 03:21:15 
Started by theta/void - Last post by theta/void

I've been working on this baroque-themed tune for a couple days and I'd love some feedback on it.
It's far from finished, and a little repetitive.
I'm very open to suggestions on where to take it next,
in fact I think that would help a ton!

( hopefully I've done this right lol )

 on: January 17, 2025, 21:56:13 
Started by Sma - Last post by Sma
So, I finally updated my Android player (Android 8+). I´m using libopenmpt for playing the library's supported formats. I first wrote the routines for mod and xm myself, but that was too much work for such a hobby project, so I decided to use this great library!

The player is not finished yet, subsongs are not selectable, a playlist is missing and there is no configuration page yet.
There are also a few minor issues such as scrolling back from the tracker view when a module has more than 4 tracks. This is a nested scrolling problem, but I still don't know if the problem is on my side or on Google´s.
You can mute the channels in oscilloscope view oder tracker view and solo them with long press. Long pressing forward/previous buttons for song position jump selects the next/previous song.
I also wanted to add support for the AHX format at some point, as the sound of these files reminds me a lot of the good old Amiga :-)

You can find the player here:

I would be happy to receive any feedback, suggestions or information about problems or errors!

 on: January 15, 2025, 17:03:14 
Started by ALC - Last post by looper231
We're currently trying to figure it out. We'll post the news once it's available  :angel:

 on: January 15, 2025, 16:59:24 
Started by repellantmold - Last post by looper231
and this one as well.

Assigned to ID 93815

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