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 on: June 29, 2024, 08:43:17 
Started by LinuxHata - Last post by LinuxHata
I had it around 1994.
These two names I provided aren't ones from that song
these are generic names of the typical amiga module samples.

 on: June 29, 2024, 00:11:33 
Started by LinuxHata - Last post by minebrandon
was this mod file from before jan 1st 2024, because if it is then that means that we can search for those sample names on this one website

 on: June 28, 2024, 23:57:46 
Started by LinuxHata - Last post by LinuxHata
There is a "most mysterious song on the internet", also known as "blind the wind", "like the wind" and so on. No one knows it's real name nor who singing it. However, as I reckon, I had the .MOD file for it, but unfortunately, I did not know the file name. Only what I remember that samples had names like DigDug, HallBrass and so on - typical set of Amiga samples. Checking this archive for "like the wind", "blind the wind" and so on brings up wrong results, which are quite logical, since we don't know the song name.

So maybe anyone remembers that module file?
Here's the link to the song:

 on: June 28, 2024, 23:52:46 
Started by digitizedbyfulop94 - Last post by LinuxHata
This appears to be a cover of "Omen 3" by Magic Affair.

 on: June 28, 2024, 21:35:08 
Started by digitizedbyfulop94 - Last post by digitizedbyfulop94
Unfortunately there is no progress yet.... But I realized that I know some of the samples on the track, with that I could find the module. Also I don't think it is a .MOD module because you can distinguish more than 4 sounds playing at the same time sometimes and the different pan effects....

I will post progress very soon...


Thank you. Have you found anything useful since then?  :)

 on: June 23, 2024, 18:07:57 
Started by DZ-Jay - Last post by DZ-Jay
I noticed that all my patterns were out of tune with respect to each other!

It turns out that each instrument sample in the original module was tuned differently, so the notes in the patterns reflected the scaling of the sample to the appropriate tone rather than true notes.

No worries, I re-tuned everything, and now it sounds much better.  Attached is the latest version of my track.

Progress on the track is slow because I still need to code the patterns mostly by hand -- especially now that I have to re-tune the notes by ear.

The good news is that the tracker and the effects seem to work as intended.  Woo-hoo!  This makes all that hard work in the past several months worth it. :)


 on: June 23, 2024, 16:25:52 
Started by ziphoid - Last post by Oloturia
That's very sad. We can imagine how difficult is to keep such a site like this up and running with nothing in return but the pleasure of keeping the MOD music available to the masses. His effort won't be forgotten.

I dedicated to him my talk at the local Hackmeeting. It was about Amiga diskmags. They all featured MODs.

 on: June 23, 2024, 10:42:13 
Started by Atlus2000 - Last post by Atlus2000

i really need this good
Anyone know this one ?
Maybe its VIP dont know

 on: June 23, 2024, 02:27:32 
Started by blacbeard - Last post by blacbeard

I don't think this is possible to do yet, but is there plans to directly sample from computer sound input or audio card into milkytracker tracker? Ie record audio directly into sampler.

 on: June 21, 2024, 18:55:36 
Started by ziphoid - Last post by crisuwork
Still processing the bad news, he took of his precious time in January to thank us for out contributions in mod archive community, I was not aware at that time of his health situation ... :(

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