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Messages - raina

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9 10 ... 72
It's different for each OS and window manager. That's why a single screenshot wouldn't do. On Mac it means the menu you see on the top of the screen at all times. On Windows the menu opens when you click the program icon in the top left corner of the window, or right-click the program/window preview on the the taskbar.

Help Support Topics Archive / Re: Re: duplicate modules
« on: December 29, 2014, 21:34:27 »
Yeah, I meant which file or files should stay. I couldn't say myself.

Help Support Topics Archive / Re: duplicate modules
« on: December 29, 2014, 12:50:46 »

are smaller versions of

Differences beyond the small ones in sample text? Which one(s) should prevail?

Anyway, all of them and this one

should be assigned to Zodiak's profile.

MilkyTracker Support / Re: Small GUI?
« on: September 05, 2014, 10:24:40 »
Whoops. ~/ is shorthand for your home directory, looks like it would be /home/[username] on Mint. And / is the filesystem root but you seem to have figured it out anyway. I think only the middle step of your fix is necessary for the same effect.

But for the original issue, try doing this: Start MilkyTracker windowed as you would by default. Then in Config > Layout, hit the Custom button next to the Resolutions title. Enter 700 for the width, and 525 for the height, half of your screen resolution dimensions. Then set the Scale to X2 to bump the thing back up to your screen's (I'm assuming) native resolution. Resolution changes do tend to require a restart, so hit OK on the left and do that.

Now, once restarted, it looks like that 700 pixel width is too narrow to actually show the Full screen option next to the Resolutions list but you should be able to toggle full screen with Alt-Enter. Modern OSes, drivers, video cards and monitors are a bit picky about display modes but I have tried these steps on two Windows machines (7 32-bit, AMD mobile GPU / 7 64-bit, nVidia GPU) with 1920x1080 screens and Milky set to 960x540 X2, and it worked for me.

MilkyTracker Support / Re: Small GUI?
« on: August 29, 2014, 10:53:21 »
Look for something beginning with .milky in ~/.

There's a scaling setting below the resolution options in Config > Layout.

47 Start at the very beginning. This may not be one but that orchestra hit sounds MODule-ish...

Purple Motion - Shadowrun

Tracking / Re: Why use pattern breaks in Fast/Impulse Tracker?
« on: June 24, 2014, 17:29:57 »
I also think some versions of FT2 used to crash easily when doing pattern-wide clipboard operations with patterns shorter than 64 rows. So, D00 was safer, even if backup.xm was saved.

Help me find that... / Re: Song Title Meaning
« on: June 15, 2014, 17:03:27 »
Again, I don't have facts but that sounds unlikely. GG as in "good game" definitely came from online gaming but in some circles it became a meme and crossed over to other activities and social interaction where it was mainly used sarcastically, roughly around the time the mod was uploaded to TMA.

Help me find that... / Re: Song Title Meaning
« on: June 13, 2014, 08:29:51 »
Looks like a small local computer shop. My guess is lateq experienced some fuck-up on their part and vented with a happy song sarcastically thanking them for a good game. Or it was the opposite and he was genuinely happy but you know, Finns.

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